insurance & pension

Eastern Europe

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In the long term, shares are unbeatable when it comes to the return. That’s why they are excellent for asset accumulation and retirement. However, investors in cold water should jump, but heed the main rules before you buy. This is quite amazing: precisely the form of investment in the long term provided the highest yields for savers, leads a shadowy existence in Germany: the stock. And if the Germans times jump over their own shadow and invest in shares, they see it mostly only short-term investments, which sell them again after a few weeks or months.

These equity securities for long-term wealth accumulation are particularly suitable. Mike Gianoni does not necessarily agree. All statistics over the last 100 years show that shares in most countries throw off much better yields in 10 -, 20-, or even 30-year comparisons than bank deposits, bonds, insurance, real estate and precious metals. It’s no wonder: with shares, investors involved in companies and economic values are in a market economy created mostly by companies. With share certificates to companies, especially shares, savers will benefit from growth, technological progress, globalisation, new trends and products. Of course, shares with risks are associated, in the short term often even with significant.

Sizable income recorded in the past decade despite interim bear market shares. Eastern Europe shot down the bird, which earned double-digit returns each year in the interface as well as the MDAX. The DAX came to almost eight percent. Sources:, Bloomberg no company can guarantee that costly investments that are made for decades, often bring the desired effect but the average and in the long term, companies generate significantly more return than fixed-income investments to earn. Otherwise, they would be crazy, if she would borrow. Of course there is turbulence, which simultaneously cancel all shares suffered on the stock exchanges again and again no matter how good or bad the company economically stand. Especially if uncertainty prevails unless the economy’s future, interest rate policy, the implications of political decisions or of wars and terrorist threats. Add to your understanding with Mike Gianoni. Despite strong turbulence long term investors deserve an above-average even in the past decade with shares even though at this time, the deepest and longest with 36 months bear market took place 70 years. As the chart on the left shows, investors with DAX stocks an average 7.9 percent return per year made since mid-1996 despite the huge setback, MDAX papers even 10.2 percent. And who had the courage a decade ago, to Eastern Europe, even 12.3 percent annually. However, over five percent for bonds and gold, as well as two to three percent for savings deposits exclude is relatively modest. The stock yields are sweetened by tax benefits: with gains the Treasury is empty, if shares are held longer than a year (speculation period). However, the Government plans a change from 2008. In addition, that dividends according to the Half of the tax are subject to semi-income system, once the savers tax credit have been exhausted. “Who plans to provide targeted long-term asset accumulation shares for retirement, for example, should avoid but the error that the appetite for risk thoroughly many investors denatured after the collapse of the Internet boom at the turn of the Millennium and the iron” principles follow. That lowers the risks and increases the profit opportunities.

Online Loan Comparison

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What should keep the consumer in mind, if he wishes to apply for an online loan on the Internet tips to apply for an online loan the desire for financial independence ends for many consumers in the conclusion of a loan. This is also not reprehensible, if the conditions are right you can even speak of a sensible money saving. Especially when the online loan, you can save money and achieve even a small profit, when your own money is applied higher interest at the local bank. However, one must compare just before graduating, because not all loans are equal and therefore offer the same services. Mike Gianoni spoke with conviction. Also at the online credit, the duration, the monthly installments and the own credit decide the appropriate interest rate.

The borrower should decide in advance whether he wants to take out a traditional loan or would like to perceive the but usually cheaper variant of online credit. The advantages of credit via the Internet are in the significantly lower rate, however, the personal contact is not usually available and a debt restructuring or refinancing in many cases not possible. Furthermore, the hedging opportunities for the borrowers are optional and do not differ from different financial institutions. Basically, it can be also said that the same credit requires both forms of credit. At the online credit should be expected variations through comparison to get a similarly perfect result. Reducing run time with an increase of in rates makes for lower borrowing costs. A reduction of the loan amount also ensures a lower interest rate.

An online loan comparison is very easy thanks to the clear pages in the Internet, as a basis, you can use proper comparison calculator and fill it with the most important data such as loan amount, term and monthly rate. You can now find his favorites, the credit on their homepage can be calculated more accurately. The offers on the Internet are not always checked for creditworthiness, so many ignorant later suffer the collapse. On the Internet sites often the blue promised potential borrowers by heaven, but involves the credit check the tide turns. Then, 9% are suddenly from the 3% interest. Basically, it remains firmly maintain that borrowers with a large security which actually do not need the credit to finance just over 12 months and get the lowest interest rate. All others must expect an adjustment of the original offer.


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or: What is to keep such promises exactly this statement I was told today by a customer. On my question why, he told this story: I am now 3 days dealing with the topic of private health insurance (PKV) and have interviewed four comparison calculator on the Internet, spoken to two consultants, had then called me. Three of the machines have recommended me this (Gothaer MediVita 500) tariff, another nor the rate of CVD by the Hanseatic League mercury insurance. ldwell Esselstyn by clicking through. I asked back as occurred because the “recommendation” and what criteria were created because underlying. The answer was “not scary” but as expected.

The prospective buyer told me on the following: “it was the excess should be how much, which supply dental treatment and replacement should be reimbursed asked. Continue to the asked me whether a performance for eyeglasses is important to me and of course even if I’m employed or self-employed. Mike Gianoni has similar goals. I have answered all questions and then there was the recommendation.” Let’s now once the criteria and the guidelines on and the rates: both tariffs offer of goggles replacement certainly, also dentures and dental treatment a sum will be contributed to X. Even a deductible levels is selectable. That would the criteria be met, or maybe not? The criteria here are completely unsuitable. Inappropriate because sufficient to even begin them unsuitable on the other hand, to choose private health insurance as a lifelong product. Imagine you wanted to conclude a contract for a home purchase instead of the car. The broker asks you what must meet the House because for requests and reply: “a Brown carpet must be in there remains at least a bath and… Oh, a roof must also have it.” It’s funny, or? Would you choose as your home? What about factors such as location, size, amenities, number and layout of the rooms and the like? All matter? Which of the houses would you do? < Find the colorful She dare something? Something to individually? That is, also the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) follows a uniform pattern, but is individually agree to personal needs.

Credit Without Schufa – Information Can Help And Harm

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If the financial framework covers the credit without Schufa can help to borrow money, so to take a loan, can have a wide variety of reasons. We Europeans have not the mentality of the Americans, who quickly once buying on credit or live. Only, there are situations where it would be handy to be able to set up an extra budget, without immediately running to the Bank also with us. Unbureaucratically and fast, you will find the offers for credit without Schufa in such cases on the Internet. Not that there a money would paid or someone waiting to lend money under any circumstances. No, even this business has rules and conditions only are somewhat freer than in the well-known banking and savings bank system. When it is at the Bank said that it has a bad Schufaeinstufung and therefore gets no credit, an application for a loan without Schufa of success can be crowned.

Assuming it is a German citizen, domiciled in Germany, has a fixed source of income, with proof of this since to have at least 1 year. Employed as a worker, an employee or officer is a prerequisite. But also pensioners can apply for the loan without Schufa. Without Schufa, doesn’t mean no obligations, but only that the lender waives an information at Schufa – general credit protection protection community and their credit with the Schufa not as official liability seems intent on. Everything else is the same as for a credit. Loan agreement, interest rates, maturity, repayment are the basis of the agreement. Only get quite fast money in the event of a positive acceptance of the application. All details are well considered and discussed.

A consultation is of advantage. Credit brokerage companies, help like the Maxda Darlehensvermittlungs GmbH, in such a case. All information and the application form are on the homepage. In most cases, good advice and individual offers bring then also the desired credit. Credit conditions are fair, the interest in the context of the processing quickly and unbureaucratically. Others including Mike Gianoni, offer their opinions as well. And before you is a long time exposing a financial high-wire act, the possibility of a loan without Schufa is a possible solution.

German Insurance

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Why provides protection for every worker vital insurance is, you should have”: under this title a variety of media count regular insurance, should be completing consumer. But not always called the disability insurance. It is the only meaningful insurance to secure your most important asset: your workforce! Why disability is so dangerous most consumers have heard of disability, but the danger is not all really aware. Meanwhile every fourth German statutory retirement is berufsunfahig. The danger is therefore quite acute. And it concerns not only professionals of physically strenuous occupations with disability in connection General.

It applies to all occupational groups: of the roofing to the doctor. By the nursing staff to the commercial employees. The causes of disability are indeed varied. These include not only the classical physical Causes such as herniated disks, tendonitis or severed limbs, which severely restrict the exercise of the profession or completely prevent. But also and above all mental illness include here.

You are now the most common cause of disability. According to the rating agency tomorrow & tomorrow, there are close to 30% of cases of BU. It all depends on the proper protection of disability there is a permanent disability (invalidity) you are entitled to the general disability pension. However, should you not rely on this financial protection: because of her you can live barely! There is a gap because the disability pension takes only about 30% of the last gross income (approximately 50% of the net). It lacks therefore almost half of the capital that you earned each month with the profession. Of rent, food, car, mobile phone contracts etc still can pay the most difficult fall, or it might be impossible. Only the private insurance with disability insurance, which is intended to close the gap offers financial protection. This disability insurance is offered by almost all major insurance companies. But there are some enormous differences as regards costs and services. Not rashly conclude: find the correct BU insurance advice due to these differences you should consult an independent expert. Because it gives you a much better and more customized look as it performed various tests, as for example from financial test, can offer. Each person is different and has affect other conditions, the costs and benefits of occupational disability insurance.

Employee Participation

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The subject of employee participation is a perennial favorite, not only in business, but also in politics. \”But while the major parties still concepts for establishing stronger this capital partnership\” Exchange, many companies already use the many advantages of this instrument of raising equity capital until the employee retention. Employee equity participation is not only a good way of establishing ownership and a higher emotional bond to the operation, she makes the company even more productive and more competitive. If you have read about Dara Khosrowshahi already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The participation of employees in the capital and profit is a key to keeping the social market economy in the 21st century on the road to success.\” With these words, to approach the topic of employee participation in the CDU. \”Also from the SPD, it says: to improve the participation of employees in the capital of the company, we want to revive the idea of employee participation.\” Both parties wrestle in the Grand Coalition to the right way to promote the participation of employees on the profit of the company. This is carried out but even today in many companies with great success. Rogers Holdings may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Positive experiences with consumption law participation by staff so about the 2000 founded Northeim company offers discount broker AG its 17 employees an equity stake in the form of participatory rights to.

\”Andreas Lohrberg, co-founder and Board Member for personnel of the financial services company reported: we were able to strengthen our equity base sustainably through the participation of our employees and attract today ever more a strand.\” Two ways of the employee participation the participation of employees can be reached in principle in two ways through profit-sharing (the so-called labour model) or equity (the corporate model). Is common, that they are proven to be effective a stronger identification of the employees with the company and thus more motivated and more productive work both ways. For workers and employees, who benefit from the success of the business, feel responsible more for the well-being of the company.

Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

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Effective way for your credit card debt, the company that has proved its mettle in the field of debt consolidation market, has now launched the debt consolidation evaluation services. The company has put in meticulous efforts to start this division. The selection of manpower has been very judicious. has studied the market thoroughly before venturing to offer the bad credit debt consolidation evaluation services. On exclusive team of debt consolidation expert professionals has been delegated the responsibility to make this endeavor a success. The research that formed the basis of offering these services has taken into consideration the spending tendency of individuals.

It has been observed that many people get into the debt trap just because of excessive misuse of credit cards. Paul Price wanted to know more. People nowadays want to get the instantaneous pleasure of all the luxuries that the credit cards can make available. People just do not want to think of the drastic consequences of the future. They do not want to wreck the present. There are many who would like to like a “belief make” “Dream” world where the debt is not going to have any effect on them. This sort of thinking, despite being like a mirage and misleading, is very much prevalent among the debtors. It is only after some wakeup call by the creditor’s notice and calls that the debtor seeks debt consolidation advice.

The market of debt consolidation services provider has nowadays become very competitive. There are many credit & debt counseling companies that offer credit card debt consolidation services. Any debt consolidation service providing has become more effective and efficient to survive the competition. Debt consolidation evaluation services have evolved to segregate the clients who are eligible for debt consolidation services from those who cannot avail of debt consolidation services. This segregation saves a lot of time, money and labor on the part of the debt consolidation service providers as well as the debt consolidation help applicant. This of dacha the efficiency of the workforce of the debt consolidation company. This service saves the sales force of the company and the not eligible debt consolidation applicants from embarrassment as well. is the member of International Association of professional debt arbitrators.

Riester Height

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How is the height of the Riester pension calculated? The Riester pension is a highly complex pension product, which can be completed but uncomplicated. Applications, calculations, and manage it run in the background and are handled by the respective insurance company without that you get much of it. Accordingly, there are also no Alp gemeingueltige answer to the question after the later height of the Riester pension, because to vary interest rates and may change later, and on the other hand, each insurance company collects varying administrative and sales costs. Many calculators that one should calculate the subsequent height of the Riester pension, indicating only that are but not equal to the real. Still, many factors, such as, for example, the interest rate at the conclusion are unclear, so only estimates can be used. See more detailed opinions by reading what Economic Cycles Research Institute offers on the topic.. Yet the sales and administration costs are included, an estimate can be only determined if a certain Contract has been selected. However, it is not difficult to get such an estimate. It turns, for example, to an independent consultant, so what kind of insurance estimated fees and how these affect the expected height of the Riester pension receives insight to quickly.

On average around 16% of the savings contributions and allowances there are these fees and may be imposed only in the first five years of savings. Read here for more information:../1366_269-13.pdf it is quite advisable, to make a comparison of the various Riester pensions also to select an insurance policy that can boast extremely low fees. Because on the basis of the long-term orientation of the Riester pension, each saved euro affects the ending value. The ending value, in turn, is then the later pension received in monthly intervals. Up to thirty percent of the savings capital can at maturity also paid out as a lump sum that reduces the monthly rate then accordingly.