Stages represent the changes as they occur, including certain intentions, attitudes and behaviors. thus reflect a temporal dimension, which does not explain how one moves from one stage to another. The model assumes that individuals go through five stages or stages in which they change their behavior in a non-linear, but spiral, because relapses are usually produced by placing the subject in the contemplation stage again, even if it manages to stop the addictive behavior is completed the whole process of making behavior change completion. The stages are: Pre-Contemplation “N: The person has no idea that still has a problem, or that will have to try to resolve it. According to Prochaska and DiClemente is known to have a problem, but is not aware of it. Contemplation “N: At this stage appears consciousness.

Prochaska and DiClemente put the subject in a state ambivalent considers and rejects the change at a time, beginning to address this ambivalence on the side of change. It was decided to do something, which is not the same as doing it for real. PREPARATION “N: The subjects are prepared and ready for action, including a start date. ACTIVITY “N: You already decided to change and takes the necessary steps in that direction. When the person reaches the stage of openly occurs modification of problem behavior. MAINTENANCE: It strives to not lose what has gotten into the action phase. It involves considerable work, because the main task is to prevent relapse. Begins at six months after the change and ends when the addictive behavior or risk ending.