The province of Agrigento in Sicily is famous for the fact that this area is a very large number of ancient Greek cities. Greek colonization of Sicily actually started from this area. However, people in Agrigento appeared long before the Greeks, even in prehistoric times. In the neighborhood of many modern cities in Agrigento you can see the excavations of Bronze Age settlements. Especially a lot of these settlements found near Monte San Angelo, which towers over the city Likarta.
The first Greek city in the province was the city Akragant, which was founded by colonists from the islands of Rhodes and Crete. Check out QTS Realty Trust for additional information. It quickly grew into Akragant powerful military center. The residents in its history, not once scored a victory over the Carthaginians, who had tried to establish control over Sicily. Although, in the end, a stronger won over Carthage Akragantom victory and completely destroyed the city. Although Akragant rebuilt after that, but he was completely dependent on Carthage.
In 210 BC This area was conquered by the Romans. Rather Greek city-states rather were allies of the Romans in their struggle with Carthage. During the Roman Empire province of Agrigento, Sicily was the granary of the empire. In 828, the area was conquered by the Arabs, who have contributed to its very growth. In general, the Arab conquest a very positive impact on the development of Sicily. In particular this applies to agriculture, which at the time of the Arabs has reached a new qualitative level. Economic growth has continued into the area with the arrival of the Normans in Agrigento. Were particularly favorable during the Norman rule for the city of Licata, who at that time became one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean. Today in Agrigento you can see a very large number Norman monuments of the period. Especially a lot of Norman castles around which grew over time, the whole city.