Month: November 2014

Vera Sayle

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The use of management tools depends on the respective employee group, both by the individual corporate divisions. So, for example, the management tools for younger employees differ significantly from those of older employees, or by key employees. Similarly it behaves, for example, with the different management of the divisions of production, marketing, or even accounting. In any case, it is however imperative required that in the company, and especially among the respective superiors fixed targets, etc. There is consistent transparency with regard to the staff, their abilities and skills, previous career, as well as documents to the so far realized management tools such as contract forms, training and further training concepts,. Companies will support this through the use of a suitable software solution.

The Web-based human resources manager the innovative human resource management software by BITE provides the necessary transparency to effectively support managers in the conduct of their employees. Thus, an employee granular all personal, business, and salary data collected in the digital personnel file and managed. Also lists the currently existing, the future required, as well as the historical history of employee qualifications in detail in the qualification matrix of the personnel manager. Further education measures identified in the course of target agreements are with the Training management resource gently planned, collected, updated and evaluated. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consultant, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years.

In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved procedures and processes in the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the BITE personnel manager the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which convince through functionality, as well as stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business! BITE GmbH Vera Sayle line marketing Resi-path-Gasse 9 89077 Ulm phone: + 49 (0) 731 / 14 11 50 – 0

Distribution Companies

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Medium-sized companies in sales reveal what deficits and what improvements are possible, is shown in the current Magazine profile of the Marketing Office. The current edition of the customer magazine is devoted to profile quite the topic of sales, than sell products not alone. These days, you need a strategy to a long-term success in sales. Especially the globalized markets bring new challenges and changing conditions with which the sale must adapt. In the editorial, a consultancy study is presented Horvath & partner has identified a number of deficiencies in the distribution in medium-sized companies. So, 20% of respondents rate the services of their sales organization as well just once”and only 37% of companies indicate regularly conduct sales training.

The Marketing Office has many years of experience and high level of competence in it, to align the sales success-oriented and efficient. The marketing offers medium-sized Office Customers professional support, such as the analysis of the processes in the distribution, as well as in the development of optimisation potentials. But also in the acquisition and acquisition of new customers there are proven successes as an expert interview shows. Finally, in-house training courses are offered, which train the communication skills and customer orientation of employees, to ensure greater efficiency in the distribution. The marketing office headquartered in Lahr in the Black Forest offers an all-round support medium-sized companies in the marketing and sales, so this qualifies as and powerful Act may as global player. Thus marketing is a business consulting Office on the one hand, the strategies developed on the other hand but also services and external marketing department to implement and support for sales and marketing activities for market processing.

Natural Gas

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In addition, if the Government manages to access the directory of companies, you will have access to strategic information of them. Going to an extreme situation, this would make espionage within companies to identify strategies not desired by the Government. This what I mention recalling those months (not very far), in which eager to Government by controlling prices, had tried to obtain information about the structure of costs of certain companies in order to identify whether they were applying an excessive margin. I believe that the influence of the Government in firms that could access through the nationalization of the AFJP system, is negative to them when seeking to attract capital to finance their investments. The prospects for evolution in the value of its shares will also be affected.

These companies lost attraction to the threat posed to its growth, the presence of a myopic State. Perhaps also, the decision of the Argentine Government to assert its stock holdings and search enter directories of companies, may affect the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI) that leads toward the Argentina (which by the way, is very low in relation to other countries of the region). This possibility is specific whereas the foreign investor can feel the fear that Argentina is imitating Chavez and is following a similar estatizadora strategy. Beyond speculation about the possible consequences of the accession of the Argentine State on the boards of several companies, the Anses received the AFJP control agency shares of 40 companies and 10 of them owns more than 20% of the equity capital. The Government has already appointed their representatives in Natural Gas as well as Gas Cuyana (MERV: GBAN), conveyor gas South (MERV:TGSU2, NYSE:TGS) and Endesa Costanera (MERV:ele).

Not satisfied with this, the Government continues with this strategy and the next goal was yesterday, Siderar (MERV: once upon). In the company Siderurgica group Techint, the Argentine Government Siderar would reach a 25,97% of equity stake. The company wants to avoid that the Argentine Government to make use of cumulative voting (which could not be exercised by the AFJP among them) to appoint a representative within the company’s Board. Although this situation is causing resistance in several of the companies, not all come with bad eyes and to a representative of the Government one of the armchairs of the directory. Such is the case of the firm Consultatio, company dedicated to real estate and main shareholder of Nordelta (the first urban complex built in Argentina under the concept of city people) and financial activities. It is that having the Government as a partner in the business can be more than beneficial. Of course that this is not the case for the majority of companies. The nationalization of the AFJP has given the Argentine Government not only fresh funds to address this adverse international context, but also the possibility of forming part of decision making in companies considered strategic. As all decisions that the Argentine Government has been taking, it is true that this represent short-term benefits, but it is also true that entails large costs difficult to repair.

Information Technology

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The heroine of today's interview with John was born in Ukraine, graduated from Zaporozhye Institute of Economics and Information Technology. As a student of the 5th year, went to Germany on the program Au-pair. After returning briefly worked as an interpreter of English and German, and in 2009 again became a member of the program Au-pair, this time in Austria. Ian now lives in the heart of Vienna and is a student at the University of Vienna, where she was studying for a degree 'Intercultural communication / connection'. In addition to learning a lot of traveling and is a moderator of the branches 'Youth Program' on our forum suitcase. PARTICIPATION IN THE AU-PAIR: Germany or Austria? Ian, how did you decide move to live in Europe? There was no such desire. Click Economic Cycles Research Institute for additional related pages. Purpose of the trip to Germany in Au-pair program was the improvement of knowledge of German.

After the incident with the expulsion from Poland came the fear that I will never again be able to visit Europe, to travel freely. Therefore, overcoming depression, I began to find ways to come back. Please visit Economic Cycles Research Institute if you seek more information. In Austria, came only because relatively quickly found a foster family program Au-Pair. Here an important role luck played: I was given a visa despite the deportation of the European Union. Tell us in a few words about Au-Pair. Is it hard to become a member, and that this needs to be done? No, not difficult. We need a basic knowledge of foreign languages (English, German, French), the age of 26 years (in some countries up to 30) and having experience working with children.

Bogota Planning

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Increase of the poverty Some studies exist at present on the risks by earthquakes of greater intensity, nevertheless, does not exist clear brings back to consciousness in the civil society about the gravity in case of appearing an event for which it is not prepared. Between the main characteristics of this investigation the following can be mentioned: The earthquakes are of natural origin They cannot be predicted but diminish his harmful effects The effects of an earthquake fall on the poorest population to greater proportion. The factors are known clearly risk against the earthquakes The capital of Colombia is in intermediate seismological risk The aid organizations are insufficient to take care of emergencias of great magnitude. The investigated subject was transformed in five chapters whose titles are the following: 1- The disasters and their implications 2- The planning and the theory of the disasters 3- Urban seismic vulnerability in Bogota 4- Environment and culture of the prevention 5- Conclusions and recommendations 3- RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION With the purpose of to give fulfillment to the objectives proposed in the present investigation, next the most excellent conclusions are related after a reflective and critical analysis on a serious situation in the matter of socioeconomic planning that involves a high number of Colombian citizens, inhabitants of one of the most important cities in the continental concert. He is not surprising that while the number of lost lives due to the phenomenon of the earthquakes has been reduced substantially throughout the world, at the same time an extraordinary increase in the amount of economic losses is registered, including damages to the vital property, loss of income, infrastructure and facilities and lines. In fact, Colombia has initiated to practice focused procedures to reduce to threats to the human life and personal damages, for example, through systems of alert significantly improved, but it has not reached similar benefits in terms of economic losses. Seth Fisher Hong Kong is often quoted as being for or against this.

This entry was posted in General.


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To study Italian in Italy is a dream for many students of language and the lovers of this wonderful Country, attracted and fascinated by its natural and artistic beauties and their flavorful meals. Europass, an Academy of Language and Culture, exactly takes care to do these dreams reality, welcoming the foreign students in the beautiful city of Florence. The Italian School of the Italian School of of Europass this right one in cientro of Florence, near the Duomo and of Ponte Vecchio. The classes of Italian are given by competent and motivated professors that uses a enseamiento method that allows an immediate aprendimiento. In any case to live the city, listening the typical language of the small streets of Florence and practicing what you have learned to the course, is the best way to quickly learn the Italian and with results. Courses of Italian and much more the Courses of Italian are integrated with an ample selection of subjects that include courses of History, Art, Photography and, by all means, of Kitchen. In addition there are language courses technician (economic, legal ) and professional courses of translation and edition. The Academy also organizes you practice formative to approach the young people the cultural and social life of the city and the Country. Dates and prices of the Course If you want but information about the courses of Italian in Italy de Europass it completes this form or it throws a glance to the dates and the prices! Original author and source of the article

Monetary Authority

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The Colombian economy is going through one of the best economic times of the past 50 years. Colombia grows strong. In 2007, the economy grew 7.52%, investments in the country are multiplied, direct foreign investment in Colombia is growing and domestic demand is getting stronger. But in the midst of this period of splendor of the Colombian economy, inflation appears as a large black cloud that threatens to spoil this good time. Inflation in Colombia comes rising and worries its authorities faced several tradeoffs to resolve this problem. In the month of may, the index of prices to the consumer (IPC) grew a 0.93%, the highest rate for the same month since 1999. Already in the first five months of the year, the retailer in Colombia inflation 5.12 per cent and is 6.39% in the past 12 months. It is worth remembering that the Central Bank of Colombia, has an inflation target of 4% with a range of half a percentage point in both directions.

Clearly, the rate of inflation month to month are going away from the proposed goal. It is for this reason that, motivated by the evolution observed in prices, a week ago, the Central Bank of Colombia had left its interest rate unchanged. It is located at 9.75%. According to the Central Bank: the Board stressed that inflation and inflation expectations are kept at levels exceeding their goals, which happens also with several core inflation indicators. But not only worries the Central Bank current inflation data, but also the strong dynamic that is showing the financing of consumption, which is an issue that the Monetary Authority follows closely due to the impact that has this phenomenon in domestic demand (and consequently, in inflationary pressures). This situation of higher inflationary pressures and a credit that encourages consumption, generates the feeling that a period of rising rates may be imminent.

This entry was posted in General.