Month: July 2013

Company Productivity

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A not motivated collaborator contributes so that all one has equipped if desmotive, what it directly affects the productivity of the company. Research points with respect to important data, employee not motivated uses only 8% of its productive capacity whereas, motivated employees present 60% of productivity. (CLIMATE Organizacional x Motivation? 2009, available one in). It is identified in these data that the Mint if worries about the satisfaction of its trainees and intent for its development, exactly knowing that the presence of the same ones will be temporary and with little aggregation of value for the company. It invests in courses, training and lectures, and makes with that the majority if feels motivated, with this the company obtains well to be seen in the market and thus people are interested in entering this organization. Already we saw that the motivacionais factors are related with recognition and to the professional valuation, together with the auto accomplishment. The collaborator is satisfied and this necessarily implies in the increase of the effectiveness and productivity.

Examples of this: low wages and inadequate physical conditions do not leave to motivate, even so create an atmosphere of insatisfao, what it motivates is the progress/growth, accomplishment, recognition status. If to observe our scene and the factors that really motivate we will perceive that, a public company will be very difficult to keep the motivation of its trainees a time that, does not have growth. Therefore this organization has invested in the professional formation of its young, being worried about its learning, creating a pleasant environment for a personal relationship where the employee has possibility to explain referring things to its function, in intention to add knowledge to the trainee. A valuation of this function in the company exists, counting that the young is a college student whom it needs to get knowledge of its area of study and everything this takes the auto accomplishment, and for consequncia the motivation in working to learn.

The Reconstruction

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I don’t want to dwell on the topic of the SHOA, Onemi or satellite phones as it is just redundancy. Pinera until 48 hours before taking command has not demonstrated any concrete action except to say that it will continue and will give priority to action aid and reconstruction, there is however some doubts among citizens about the certainties and uncertainties you surrounded the future President, in terms of how to be accurate in taking urgent measures. Cadastre of priorities is currently the main problem of the representative, is exactly what happened to us to all who live in the quake in our homes when deciding where to start cleaning, pick up or change thing undone. The insistence on keeping representatives of the former Government, is a tremendously disturbing signal about the certainties that the representative, has in terms of how face the problem of reconstruction. In economic matters it is true that the reconstruction will generate a dynamism that It will have significant impact on the economy of the country, on production and employment among other things. Reconstruction works are mainly made with hand of national work, national raw materials, etc. Therefore this dynamism that lies ahead is true. Fears about the financing of the reconstruction via debt or any other means will have effects on inflation, because it means money in the streets, on the exchange rate, on the value of money in general another relevant issue is the time for urgent measures to be taken, such as give basic coverages to the populations most affected, I am referring to housing, food education and employment, hours rotate against the new Government, responsive to the immediate needs of the population are the points in pro or against the survey efficiency and popularity of the new President, Ministers and politicians in this country, the best example of the blunder of the public authorities in this country live with transantiago.


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Yes, it is true, is possible to have a successful Internet business, or online, even if you are of those who distrust the internet business, you can study the success stories and really that it’s perfectly possible to have an internet business, as it is possible to have a business offline is also possible to have an online business. This is the topic of the article Marketing in Red are unemployed? You use single quarter, 18.03.11, published on the website, which is one of my blogs. Here are the beginning of the marketing of mouth in mouth running in front of your eyes, I recommend to all my readers and subscribers to my newsletter this report because he liked me and I consider it valuable, so I only recommend it, from here, what you do is your decision, anyway, if you want to report so that you study it quietyou only have to tell me, here below in the comments box, and I’ll send it you directly in your email account, you thing I can provide, free * because the author, Roberto closed,, allows me the distribution of this report as long that is not modified, copyright things. The principle of Word of mouth marketing is very powerful, and is hardly new, it is not something recent, invented yesterday, but it has the characteristic of being very cheap, it is very powerful and very cheap. It is something very simple, if something you like, if something you really like, you’re going to share with your friends, with your social circle, without any company pay you. And large companies know that, because many have attempted to compete with this type of marketing and will have spent fortunes on marketing of propaganda, but have had to recognize that the word of mouth marketing is very current, powerful, simple and cheap, this is so interesting. Practical exercise: 1. If you’re unemployed and not entreves a solution in the near or distant future, or if you are employed and you feel that your job is unstable, or simply want to say goodbye to your boss, think about the idea to open a small business by internet, meditates on this topic a day, a week, tomato your time, and remember that you don’t need a substantial investment, you can start with $500.

2 Defines very well what they would like to do, think it well, it is advisable to do something that you like, that you passionate about you, that you would do unless you pay, or even pay you just for letting you do it. 3 Search over internet for the exact words that define your desire, i.e., if the picture you like, puts in your word search photo, or photo, or make photos, etc. 4. If you like mobile phones, search for information on this issue, could you open you even a shop online to sell mobile phones and accessories by internet, for example. 5. Another option will be the sale of intangible products online information, same as before, choose a topic that you passionate about and start to produce and sell downloadable digital products automatically by internet, or third-party digital products, there is a very wide range of possibilities. At the end let me a comment on this article, your opinion is important to me. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei video Grati * s: how to reprogram your mind to be the leader of your MLM business get click and download it now! Original author and source of the article

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