It seems that the proximity enquantoseres human of the same species, coexisting in sociaissemelhantes groupings, does not allow in them to break the cultural distanciamento would quepossibilitaria ' ' to understand the understanding of the people, talvezadormecidos reflective codes of its cultura' ' (Oliveira J. the Culture, history and memory, Manaus: Publishing company To be valid/Government of the State doAmazonas, 2002, P. 30). In contrast, ours they diferenasinduzem to create, to keep and to strengthen a critical look on ' outra' culture – to look at of ' ours mundo' – as a culture that it imprisons, queno reflects and that it reproduces action, attitudes, nocondizentes behaviors with the model of capitalist development. Dessaforma, found worse in the nosresultados population what it seemed to be incredulity of the works, still, incredulity in the future, and was minhaprpria incredulity that it saw reflected in its attitudes. On the other hand, aestranha happiness, that always was printed in those faces, eraminha hope and my challenge to continue.
To understand and preservaraquele feeling, much in lack in the present time, became minha' causa'. Today I understand the force of the ideology, of the sistemasdominantes that teach in to construct them our proper traps, I perceive the importance to search and to reflect constantly on opassado, therefore is of this form that we can understand the gift and to talvezencontrar ways for the future. Currently I am to tentandoachar a new way, not more my way, but the way where osrios if they cross, where ' is possible; to understand the understanding of povo'. preciso the silence of my references so that I can ' ouvir' this people. She is necessary to imprison the pride, constructed in as many years deestudo, and to keep the curiosity front to as many possibilities deconhecimento. She is necessary, finally, to keep in state of alert minhaautocrtica, therefore he is easy to fall in the trap to find that I am fazendoo that is better for the other, difficult is to perceive that in the majority dasvezes this another one knows what it is better for it.