administration and businesses

The Day

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It makes partnership, therefore thus it extends the repretrio of products, what it tends to bring people of some profiles. Speaking candidly relocation strategies told us the story. Step 6:The human being is moved for emotion. Nor always an image valley more than a thousand words, loaded phrases of emotions in the propagandas are a strong hook of sales. It explores feelings as freedom, satisfaction, security, relief, happiness, love, peace, amongst others. Step 7: It values the experience of the customer.Solicitanto to the visitors can make this who leave commentaries, suggestions, critical in its web site.It stimulates the participation with upload of e-book, for example. Step 8:Services add value its products/.

It makes a permutation between products and services and vice versa. If to vender a product, offer support for definitive period total gratis, if to vender a service, offer a tutorial one on some applicatory ones, for example, and thus successively. Step 9: Of eye in the calendar. The commemorative dates are essential to become businesses. Who to be intent never will lose to make good businesses in certain dates, mainly when the competition will be sleeping. In the most traditional competition it is very great, of this form, is interesting also to choose periods few explored. The Day of the Musician, for example, is special to vender everything related to the world of the art (coletnea of musics, partitions, musical assessrios of instruments, methods, etc.) To attempt against for what it happens for the medias, in the most popular controversies, the world of the fashion, the advanced technologies and to make a relation with its products/services are an uneven chance to promote sales, especially in the social nets. To be antenado with the trends of the present time is a certain way that it goes to make with that these steps better are applied and implemented in its business.

Magalona Culture

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Known examples of Twine literature are histories of Great Carlos and the Twelve Pairs of France, the Magalona princess, histories of Joo of You silence and the Teodora Maiden (LINHARES, 2006, P. 325). According to twine, the Brazilian popular culture comes in such a way if transforming into how much foreign national research, giving to consistency to the cultural phenomenon of a people northeastern. Being thus the twine literature it comes through a typical language of a people who conserves its expressive origin giving to success its regionalidade. Andrew Mason wanted to know more. The scholars fight to keep legitimate expression of a suffered people, having its regionalidade and ideology, reflecting itself uncertain climatic. Thanks to the twine literature that if announces for poetry, the suffering of a people northeastern can be passed by means of the narrative, rescuing the popular culture, that is, an expression of the region of a place with its popular language.

The ways in which the twine literature, arrives at our knowledge, is made through periodicals properly said, of the radio, the TV and taken by the ambulant salesmen, to the fairs of the interior and market. Beyond rescuing the culture of a people, the twine literature says respect to assist it the alfabetizao, therefore it knows that the northeastern is devoid of reading. The twine literature is an event of Brazilian culture that comes being questioned in university, the country and the exterior, living deeply the proper twine literature, by means of brochures or in the presentation of the cantos, for the television, in the reporter of day-by-day. In simple terms, culture in the etnolgico field is the way of living typical, the style of common life, the being, making and acting of definitive human group, this or that etnia. It has different positions of the anthropologists of our time on culture. For didactic ends, we can distinguish four trends: It has the ones that see culture as system of behavior standards, in ways of economic organization and politics, technologies, in permanent adaptation, in sight of the relationship of the human groups with its respective ecosystems; it has the ones that deal with the culture as a system knowledge of the reality, as the mental code of the group, not as a material, but cognitivo phenomenon; it also has the ones that face the culture as a structural system, where the axle of everything is the bipolarity nature-culture, having as privileged fields of its concretion the myth, the art, the language and the kinship. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Expedia CEO.


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Today we come across in them ahead of the fast changes that the society has passed in these last years, observes a movement of questioning and rescue of values and of felt of the life, ahead of a individualizada and desumanizante society. The world of the work also passes for this crisis of values and direction, in way that are portraied by diverse signals, such as: increase of the related occupational illnesses to the mental health (former. it estresse, depression, burnout), the increase of the unemployment and under employment, the obsession for the performance and the profit, as well as for the biggest interest of the area of Management of People for practical as quality of life in the work, strategies of humanizao of management, social responsibility, concern with satisfaction in the work, among others. Today, if it searchs is I balance in the personal and professional life. & ldquo; The companies not only want executives balanced in the profession.

To be efficient, she is necessary well to be decided in the life, if not, what it left there is it starts to intervene with the creativity and produo.& rdquo; Ahead of this reality, it inside developed a methodology of resgaste of the values, principles, moral, with a process of individual development aiming at a bigger humanizao of the being, for a bigger happiness resulting in a bigger production in all the directions: Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual, inside of this reality the company will be offering to its services the organizations; beyond this basic aspect for a good Management, the Company needed to develop the human being internally, therefore it is the conducting Real of the process, lining up its necessities and values to the one of the Company. Balanced and harmonized people produce better resulted. The result of the company is generated by the people who in it work.

The Management

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The management of people aims at to the valuation of the professionals and the human being, differently of the sector of human resources that aimed at to the technique and the professional mechanism. The human work in companies has deserved the concentration of many scholars, that they have to understand the factors that influence the performances of the people in the work environment. The prepared RH more they are those that have a position of bigger comprometimento with the organization, and possess an ability in such a way as an intellectual agility, what it reflects a formation and a capacity of more efficient work and a capacity of adaptation and bigger innovation that the other human resources with an inferior formation. We live in a new age where the technology is itself revealing each comoditizada and accessible time although still to represent minimum condition to act in the market. In the text above, vocs will be able through the concepts and thoughts of authors and nominated specialists and masters, to analyze as it is the performance of the professional of the RH in the organizations, as to deal with people, because they are organisms, and for the success of any company, to invest in the motivation of this being is basic.

Aiming at constant competitions considered for the modern, manifest world in the proactive companies most succeeded, a new definition of management of human resources, the internal consultoria. globalization of the economy and the increasing competitiveness of the market comes providing a true evolution in the area of the RH. Simplifying what the authors had placed, the great challenge of the business of the RH is to obtain competitive advantage for ways of people, managing with people and searching its comprometimento. I wait that this work can pass to vocs reading, of clear and objective form the importance of the management of RH in the organizations.

More LiveIt

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Its website is in good hands? Perhaps you already have a site. Or not, and he does not know as to start. To the times you imagine that this can be sufficiently expensive, to have an excellent service of lodging of websites. If you really think you are deceived. Services of lodging and cloud server in the Internet exist many companies offering. They are hundreds and thousand. Amongst many that already we test, the one that we recommend is the LiveIt.

It knows because? It reads intently: – More space of storage – Better traffic for transference of archives – He is safer – More stability – It is quicker – One of the best supports technician of the Internet – Bigger variety of services of data base and programming – Possibility to have limitless domnios and much more! The LiveIt is a new company in the market. however its professionals, beyond the ability, experience and excellent academic formation act more than have ten years in the sector. They had been strategical elements in the projects and organizations where already they had acted. This means high qualification and quality professional. without a doubt some, necessary things in this market.

Reason of Existence of the LiveIt the mission of the company involves to offer to the customers complete and integrated solutions. This with high technology. also strategical alignment. Internally one uses available tools in the market to develop the potentiality of the collaborators. The LiveIt has an excellent practical vision and on preservation of the environment. This wants to say that, beyond providing optimum service of lodging of sites, the LiveIt if worries about the ambient questions. Vision of the Company the LiveIt was conceived to breach barriers. It best wants to be and the bigger company of technology in web and corporative solutions of the country up to 2020. She desires to make to grow the market, being improved the quality of the same. The company has an excellent vision on its coming time. Honesty: ' ' We manage with honesty our businesses, offering equal chances in the transactions and employment relationships. We repudiate any disloyal practical relationship or of behavior that results in conflicts of interests and is in disagreement with the highest ethical standard. Soon to start:


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Indeed, the administration is one of the most important areas of the activity human being, therefore it makes possible taken of decision, coordination of diverse activities, to manage people, to evaluate performances and results, allocation of resources etc’ ‘. The abrangncia of the managemental activities becomes it complex and excellent, making with that it has greater dependence of the managers to its collaborators, therefore in such a way will only obtain to efficiently act in all the sectors of the company. However, in the participativa management the collaborators have active place in the organizations, therefore the decision taking is not function only of the controlling or the managing superintendent of the company. This managemental model lode to revolutionize all the others, therefore, more than what to manage people it is to manage with people.

In such a way, Mentzberg (2003, P. 113) questions: ‘ ‘ … why an organization must decentralize? Simply because nor all its decisions can be understood in a center, in one crebro’ ‘. The managers do not have as to need the real difficulties and necessities in the diverse sectors the company, and this will make it difficult in the elaboration of strategies of functioning of the same one. But, with the participation of the involved people in the diverse levels, it will have increase of quality in the decisions and in the administration, why the decisions will not be based on one diagnosis intuitivo, but real. In the participativa organization all the ones that are involved in the process (internal, external, supplying customers) they have the right to share in the taking of decisions, not only of sporadical form, but, routinely. For Mentzberg (2003, p, 129) ‘ ‘ the decentralization is complete when the power is not based on position or knowledge, but in the filiation.

Mrs Think

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Today the COMIPAC diversifies its production in several cultivos as: acerola, graviola, pineapple, cupuau, caj, sleeve, tamarindo, beyond maracuj and caj that it is the main product of the city. With the support of the Coopservios, cooperative that gives to assistance agricultural and ambient technique for small agriculturists, the COMIPAC comes extending its businesses with the beginning of two projects financed for the World Bank. The production of alevinos inside of the piscicultura and production of chickens in small farms. Beyond the fishery that is being constructed for production of thirty a thousand changes, that it aims at to take care of the necessities of the fruticultura and the reforestation with the production of forest essences. To the being questioned on the vision of the future of the COMIPAC, Mrs. Ctia visualizes an organization strong, manufacturing and commercializing its products with structure and proper mark adding each time more value to its business. I think the cooperative … as a strong organization.

I think about our agriculturists keeping the families here without necessity to go pra another city pra to obtain a better job. I think about the cooperative in an entity with being able of organization, its plant of improvement of the fruits, … Vendendo its products … in the market with a proper mark. That it adds value. … I think great, in terms our products benefited in the shelf.

(Stretch of the Interview) 4,2 conceptual Analyses After the boarding of the description of the COMIPAC, had been carried through the questions related with the concepts: strategy, innovation, differential of market, competitor, suppliers, new substitutes and customers (market niches); inserted in the theories on strategy, that are practised inside of the enterprise management. The first conceptual question to be answered by the manager was ' ' What it is strategy? ' '. The boarding made for the manager indicates the main difficulty that the cooperative faces to if developing, that it is the knowledge lack.

Company Productivity

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A not motivated collaborator contributes so that all one has equipped if desmotive, what it directly affects the productivity of the company. Research points with respect to important data, employee not motivated uses only 8% of its productive capacity whereas, motivated employees present 60% of productivity. (CLIMATE Organizacional x Motivation? 2009, available one in). It is identified in these data that the Mint if worries about the satisfaction of its trainees and intent for its development, exactly knowing that the presence of the same ones will be temporary and with little aggregation of value for the company. It invests in courses, training and lectures, and makes with that the majority if feels motivated, with this the company obtains well to be seen in the market and thus people are interested in entering this organization. Already we saw that the motivacionais factors are related with recognition and to the professional valuation, together with the auto accomplishment. The collaborator is satisfied and this necessarily implies in the increase of the effectiveness and productivity.

Examples of this: low wages and inadequate physical conditions do not leave to motivate, even so create an atmosphere of insatisfao, what it motivates is the progress/growth, accomplishment, recognition status. If to observe our scene and the factors that really motivate we will perceive that, a public company will be very difficult to keep the motivation of its trainees a time that, does not have growth. Therefore this organization has invested in the professional formation of its young, being worried about its learning, creating a pleasant environment for a personal relationship where the employee has possibility to explain referring things to its function, in intention to add knowledge to the trainee. A valuation of this function in the company exists, counting that the young is a college student whom it needs to get knowledge of its area of study and everything this takes the auto accomplishment, and for consequncia the motivation in working to learn.

Consumer State

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As much wanted to differentiate the user of the consumer who made use in art. 275 of the EC n 19/1998 on the necessity of protetiva law of the user, although the existence of protetiva law of the consumer (Law n 8,078/90)? Code of Defense of the Consumer? CDC. To deal with diverse form the external customer due to absence of freedom of choice of the used service does not only have direction, therefore instead of protecting the citizen it would be admitting that the State and the city deal with to it as a mere user who must content itself with that and the form that offered to it. It does not have doubt that the introduction of the customer concept represents a change in would reengenharia x quality In the Management of Quality to the Attendance directed toward the State Public Agencies in the City of Teresina – Pi, is important and positive in the organizacional culture of the public sector. But ' ' who is the customer in the public sector? ' ' This questioning, easily equated and decided for the companies whom a vision of satisfaction of the customer to the attendance in the agency public State of the city of Teresina searchs with conformity? Pi. The feeling of approval of the customer is understood for satisfaction who only occurs when it is taken care of, at least, of the form as it waited. The related term customer and type of necessities or yearnings it do not take in account the dimensions of equity, responsibility and public good, being this insufficient concept clearly to represent the paper of the citizen. Citizenship backwards in its bulge an active and dynamic concept, one way of double hand for where they pass through right and duties. Under the citizen approach, the user of the public services starts to have rights that go much beyond those of the consumers.


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Taking in account the contribution that the school can give for, the knowledge and interpretation of the reality, in the direction to form citizens, therefore soon the rising, the human being if relates with rules and values of the society where he is inserted. In the interior of the familiar group, it always has one or more people who if make responsible for the survival and the formation of its members. To the side of the family, other social institutions propagate and play a role in the moral formation and the development of attitudes. The constant presence of the medias of mass (television, radio, periodicals, magazines, propagandas of the most varied types etc.) in the public and private spaces, confer they a great power of influence and propagation of values, of behavior models. The education has active a practical aspect, of the social convivncia. In the society all educate permanently to all. As the individual does not live isolated, its education is continuous. Society without education does not exist, despite in the primitive forms it can lack the legalized education institutionalized (that it is represented there by the social rites).

For consequence no member of the absolutely ignorant community, of the opposite could not live, as in PEAR TREE explains to them, (1981): School, as institution for which it expects that the members of the society pass all, is placed in the position of being plus a social environment in the life of these individuals. Also it propagates values that can converge with that they circulate in the other social ways that the individuals frequent or the one that is displayed. With this, the best way to prevent, to diminish or to deal with the use drugs it is through the information and of the awareness. They will internalizaro so that it of these information are effective, them they must be supplied in occasions in which the pupil is receptive to hear.