Month: December 2018

Need Irrigation

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The water you need may be near you groundwater may be the solution to their problems of water supply. In order to have it you must previously perform an aquifer study of its property. Water well drilling requires a thorough investigation of all possible aquifers in farms of large or medium-sized dimensions, for the exploitation of water for irrigation, as supply local councils, housing estates or companies. Drilling for water catchment or drainage pose a great economic saving for neighboring communities or individual homeowners with irrigation or pool maintenance needs. The drilling of wells is a profitable investment in the short, medium and long term.

The exploitation of groundwater has multiple applications, both in industry, in the construction sector in agriculture and animal husbandry. Your investment in the polling, research and drilling for the extraction of the water shall comply with satisfactorily their expectations of self-sufficiency. In general, the drilling of wells is especially indicated to meet any need for large consumption of water. Also with purpose of drain perforations are the constructive solution effective and necessary. Original author and source of the article

This entry was posted in General.

Venezuelan Health

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Give way to a new system, that step to universal and equitable care to the extent that the functions carried out by each of the institutions should be harmonized. Being necessary to already established standards are met. ; set the objectives of the public organization annually in health; monitor and evaluate public services of health, as well as the programming and operational coordination of the national budget and the coordinated plan of investments jointly with the territorial entities; organize environmental sanitation programs, social assistance for health and sanitary Comptroller take into account, that the health workers are protected by the figure of the Union, is necessary to create a more flexible institutional framework that allows management of the centres of health care, have autonomy and thus being able to distribute more efficiently staff, so that the user receives a better service. For this it is necessary that management in the health sector should take the role and the responsibility to direct and coordinate the administration of health. You should seek policies that help you work with a staff that currently is discouraged, making it change its way of being and working in an efficient and productive way. Is They must make budgets which can in a way or another cover with equipment and drugs they need these medical centers.

There still control what enters and leaves the hospital; to avoid that the necessary resources for health continue losing. There should also be support by the State to take part in covering the necessary budget for hospitals. And in this way provide a better service to the community. * References: Universal. Science and life notes from the Chair of problematic of the Venezuelan administration, Faces UC original author and source of the article.