Month: December 2013

The Management

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The management of people aims at to the valuation of the professionals and the human being, differently of the sector of human resources that aimed at to the technique and the professional mechanism. The human work in companies has deserved the concentration of many scholars, that they have to understand the factors that influence the performances of the people in the work environment. The prepared RH more they are those that have a position of bigger comprometimento with the organization, and possess an ability in such a way as an intellectual agility, what it reflects a formation and a capacity of more efficient work and a capacity of adaptation and bigger innovation that the other human resources with an inferior formation. We live in a new age where the technology is itself revealing each comoditizada and accessible time although still to represent minimum condition to act in the market. In the text above, vocs will be able through the concepts and thoughts of authors and nominated specialists and masters, to analyze as it is the performance of the professional of the RH in the organizations, as to deal with people, because they are organisms, and for the success of any company, to invest in the motivation of this being is basic.

Aiming at constant competitions considered for the modern, manifest world in the proactive companies most succeeded, a new definition of management of human resources, the internal consultoria. globalization of the economy and the increasing competitiveness of the market comes providing a true evolution in the area of the RH. Simplifying what the authors had placed, the great challenge of the business of the RH is to obtain competitive advantage for ways of people, managing with people and searching its comprometimento. I wait that this work can pass to vocs reading, of clear and objective form the importance of the management of RH in the organizations.


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large hydraulic resistance, the possibility of jamming the bolt in the guide of the cap when using the valve systems with contamination of the environment. Safety valves safety valves – are kind of valves designed for automatic protection of technological systems and pipelines from the unacceptable increase in pressure of the working environment through its partial relief from the protected system. Most distributed spring check valves, in which the working fluid pressure counteracts the force of compressed spring. Direction of the working environment – under the spool. By way of issue of the working environment safety Valves are classified as: valves open, operating without backpressure and discharging working environment directly into the atmosphere; valves closed, discharging the working environment in line (suction line pumping devices, 'flare' line, etc.). In this case the valve is backpressure. Height lift valve, which determines the capacity of valves, they are divided into: nizkopodemnye (Malopodemnye), whose height is approximately 0.05 valve seat diameter. Such valves are used, usually in systems with a liquid working medium, which does not require more bandwidth, full-lift, y whose height more than 0,25 spool seat diameter.

Such valves are used in systems with gaseous media. Valve opening occurs immediately at full speed spool. Safety valves are available in two versions – with a device for manually opening (manual override) or without such a device. Advantages of spring safety valve: the relatively small size with large flow areas; the ability to install both the vertical and horizontal positions, the ability to obtain high throughput.

The Men

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So men should always be given to understand that they are interesting and welcome. The most important thing in a relationship with these men – is the ability to increase their self-esteem, strengthen confidence, then relations will be rather harmonious. When dealing with shy men to women is necessary to remember that they will very often take the initiative in their hands. Confident to the type of men are men with sufficiently high self-esteem, self-confident and knows his own worth. These usually do not play hide and seek with you, but openly and directly report on their expectations, will perform with a particular proposal. For example, if you tell him interesting, he had to say about that, but if the interest does not cause, he will not seek a meeting with you and will reduce phone calls and meeting with you to a minimum. Do not be surprised to hear also the words “you’re too good for I “, which will gently suggest that your relationship came to a close. Confident men perceive women as they are, and in any case do not detract from their ability, creativity and intelligence.

With men of this type you are always aware of their intentions and plans for the future. Proud and arrogant few men of this type have, have, as a rule, a great charisma. On the one hand, the men of this type can be very funny, funny, and can become a real concern, however, as you know, women like complexity to some degree. Distinct disadvantage of this type of men will be striving to criticism, belittling anyone’s abilities, pressure to use in communicating with other people. This is because they consider themselves above all, smarter than everyone else, in all respects the best! Proud and arrogant can become quite good and fluffy in the case see you in just the one considered most suitable candidate for themselves, and they may even be scattered in compliments. Merry, the soul of the company to such type of people are men with “healthy” sense of humor, that there is always something to say, they are easy and pleasant to communicate, to reach such people. Unfortunately, the constant desire to joke, may be hiding an elementary sense of insecurity.

Such people can be both the instigators, the center of attention, and pessimistic people. In general, these people are multi-faceted, so this type of men are often attracted by women looking for diversity. When building relationships it must be remembered that these people are very vulnerable and vulnerable, despite its apparent security. Determine which category you will carry his chosen, follow the recommendations and then everything will be detailed in horosho.

Benedito Attacks

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The excandidato to the presidency of Barcelona makes these declarations due to " indignantes" attacks spilled throughout the season. " They must have had a forceful and immediate answer on the part of Rosell". The excandidato to the presidency of Barcelona, Agust Benedito, has considered that top agent chief executive of Real Madrid, Florentine Perez, " pleasing person would have to be appointed non in the theater box of the Camp Nou" due to " indignantes" attacks spilled throughout the season. In a press conference in the School of Journalists of Catalonia, only days after the appearance of azulgrana president Sandro Rosell, Benedito has lamented the attacks spilled against the equipment of Pep Guardiola, that the excandidato has attributed directly to Florentine and not to Real Madrid, a club " admirable". " These attacks must have had a forceful and immediate answer on the part of Rosell. I am to its side like partner, but it must have acted with greater diligence.

And I do not speak to break relations with Real Madrid, but of not allowing the entrance of its president in Camp Nou until actuaciones&quot does not rectify those; , it has stood out. In this sense, Benedito has insisted to the azulgrana president to declare ' person non grata' to its homologous madridista, as well as not to carry out eaten of brotherhood between directives nor any other similar act, as well as not to attend the theater box of Santiago Bernabu either. Sponsorship under suspicion During its appearance of more than one hour, the second candidate more voted azulgranas elections in the last has also criticized the agreement of sponsorship of the t-shirt, the reduction of the budget of the nonprofessional sections and the policy to confront the enormous debt that presses the economy of the Catalan club. And it is that in his opinion, the directive must more have realised a process " abierto&quot is transparent and; in its decision to place publicity in the Barcelonist t-shirt. " How one has become all makes me think that the decision that Qatar Fundation is the chosen esponsor already had taken before elecciones" , Benedito has insinuated.

More LiveIt

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Its website is in good hands? Perhaps you already have a site. Or not, and he does not know as to start. To the times you imagine that this can be sufficiently expensive, to have an excellent service of lodging of websites. If you really think you are deceived. Services of lodging and cloud server in the Internet exist many companies offering. They are hundreds and thousand. Amongst many that already we test, the one that we recommend is the LiveIt.

It knows because? It reads intently: – More space of storage – Better traffic for transference of archives – He is safer – More stability – It is quicker – One of the best supports technician of the Internet – Bigger variety of services of data base and programming – Possibility to have limitless domnios and much more! The LiveIt is a new company in the market. however its professionals, beyond the ability, experience and excellent academic formation act more than have ten years in the sector. They had been strategical elements in the projects and organizations where already they had acted. This means high qualification and quality professional. without a doubt some, necessary things in this market.

Reason of Existence of the LiveIt the mission of the company involves to offer to the customers complete and integrated solutions. This with high technology. also strategical alignment. Internally one uses available tools in the market to develop the potentiality of the collaborators. The LiveIt has an excellent practical vision and on preservation of the environment. This wants to say that, beyond providing optimum service of lodging of sites, the LiveIt if worries about the ambient questions. Vision of the Company the LiveIt was conceived to breach barriers. It best wants to be and the bigger company of technology in web and corporative solutions of the country up to 2020. She desires to make to grow the market, being improved the quality of the same. The company has an excellent vision on its coming time. Honesty: ' ' We manage with honesty our businesses, offering equal chances in the transactions and employment relationships. We repudiate any disloyal practical relationship or of behavior that results in conflicts of interests and is in disagreement with the highest ethical standard. Soon to start: