The management of people aims at to the valuation of the professionals and the human being, differently of the sector of human resources that aimed at to the technique and the professional mechanism. The human work in companies has deserved the concentration of many scholars, that they have to understand the factors that influence the performances of the people in the work environment. The prepared RH more they are those that have a position of bigger comprometimento with the organization, and possess an ability in such a way as an intellectual agility, what it reflects a formation and a capacity of more efficient work and a capacity of adaptation and bigger innovation that the other human resources with an inferior formation. We live in a new age where the technology is itself revealing each comoditizada and accessible time although still to represent minimum condition to act in the market. In the text above, vocs will be able through the concepts and thoughts of authors and nominated specialists and masters, to analyze as it is the performance of the professional of the RH in the organizations, as to deal with people, because they are organisms, and for the success of any company, to invest in the motivation of this being is basic.
Aiming at constant competitions considered for the modern, manifest world in the proactive companies most succeeded, a new definition of management of human resources, the internal consultoria. globalization of the economy and the increasing competitiveness of the market comes providing a true evolution in the area of the RH. Simplifying what the authors had placed, the great challenge of the business of the RH is to obtain competitive advantage for ways of people, managing with people and searching its comprometimento. I wait that this work can pass to vocs reading, of clear and objective form the importance of the management of RH in the organizations.