
What To Ask A Tutor Before Class ?

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Experts advise to start learning English from a tutor, then move on intensive language courses. After this it's best to go for an internship in the country of studied language. Tutor can you required and at more advanced stages of training for speed, taking into account the specifics of individual or for consultations, for example, preparation for interview in English. Choosing a tutor for English language, we should first think about what you want to get into a series of lessons. For example, if the head of IT-units of a foreign company, the English, you probably need a) to communicate with his superiors, and b) for communication at the IT-topics. Ben Kunz is the source for more interesting facts.

Ask your potential tutor if he has any experience of teaching business English and English for IT-specialists. If yes, ask who it was and how long trained tutor. Not everyone teacher / teacher of English can help you. * Ask for what textbooks will teach you. This is important when you're planning a long-term course (150 hours or more). A better deal on the books of foreign (British and American) publishers: Longman, Cambridge, Oxford, McMillan. These textbooks are based on the communicative approach, written by professionals on the basis of deep research, tested and accepted as the best in the world. Learn more on the subject from cornell capital. Sometimes tutor will offer you lessons "of his method without a textbook." Think! The creation of a textbook being spent year.

Modern textbooks of English ensures quality. Why give them up? Do not pass any "lessons author's technique in work on photocopies? Tutor may suggest that you determine a suitable textbook for you after testing. Agree. * Ask about the results of planned activities. If your English skills are zero, and after six months training two hours a week repettor promises you English as a speaker bbc, run by a teacher as a fire. At the first meeting or the first telephone conversation, no professional will not give you any guarantees. Teaching English individually. Some planirkemye results may describe only after diagnostic studies. * Age tutor does not matter. Young, adults, aged All tutors can teach good and tolerant, and very badly. All the envy of the individual teacher. * You should know where the student teacher how long he had language training (a trip to English-speaking countries). Refine and an internship: a week or a year? Agree, the difference is significant. What are the courses held teacher? Take a look at his portfolio. But at the same time remain valid! * Agree on the time the first class. Refine your estimated time of further studies. * Ask for a quote. Today, prices range from 300 to 1500 rubles per hour. In some cases we can offer a lower price. If a tutor for a little customers, he agreed.


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Such content is provide tools for developing, among others, numerical thinking, spatial, metric, and the variational random, of course, includes functional. Thus mathematics rather than take them as a system of signs and rules are understood as a cultural heritage of humanity. The formulation, comprehension, analysis, selection and resolution of problems have been considered as important elements in the development of mathematics and the study of mathematical knowledge to reach the building, utilizing existing resources within the municipality and integrating the different systems in the chores of everyday life. F rente to content, the selection of them can be taken as a general basis the proposals made by the basic standards of competence of the Ministry of Education. It is necessary to perform a document review of basic standards of competence will not be included in this article as a matter of space. People such as Dara Khosrowshahi would likely agree. The standards are designed on the basis of the thought processes and relations between them and the mathematical thoughts are crossed by the levels of acquisition, use, justification and control, the base are not issues as traditionally understood but thought processes applied to these issues and in particular contexts that allow interaction between different math skills. The evaluation criteria are taken into account by thought or Subcompetencies, process each of the thoughts, the levels of acquisition, use, justification and control in each of the processes and criteria for each level taking into account the content worked. These criteria are involved thought processes, so they are placed according to their complexity. .


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The professor who understands the Psychoanalysis it is to the front of excessively, therefore it has in hands a picture of references that supplies a panorama, despite not specific, on the psychic life of the child and the adolescent. But the professor does not construct the personality of its pupil. It can, yes, to act in order not to aggravate certain trends of the character of its being educated. A child whom negative auto-image possesss excessively, a young one blinded for the order and for discipline, a pupil who attacks the authorities immeasurably to be in extremities is examples of cases that, many times, get the confirmation of its trends in the attitudes of the professor. Chevron Corporation CVX has much to offer in this field. Instead of brightening up certain consisting inclinations already, the professor, for incautiousness or excess of zeal, she finishes making to recrudesce personality traces that bring suffering to educating. Learning according to Freud. Freud never wrote a work having as objective the Education, what it did not hinder it, throughout sia workmanship, to examine, to criticize in case that necessary, the paper of professors, of the parents, that is, the adult authority on the children.

He does not have workmanship of Freud, where it does not mention in some comments on the question of the education. Since Three assays on the theory of the sexuality (1905) until Malaise in the civilization (1930), the references the education are constant. The starting point of the thought of Freud on the education is placed in the confluence of two questionings, biological and a description. Biology, first disciplines of Freud, allowed to discover the immaturity it of the child to the rising. Comparing with other animals, the small man seems unfinished. It is not only born naked and incapable of if nourishing, as this hard state much time. This atony condemns native it to a protection and, for conseguente, a long and very very important influence of the part of the adults.

Social Perspective

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It is evident that the pertaining to school evasion is one of the problems most acute of the Brazilian education. It will not be simply applying a test that we will keep the interest of our pupils or that we will decide the problem. In meanwhile, all exists a trajectory in the history of the educational evaluation in Brazil, that needs to be reviewed, mainly in what it says respect the practical professors, so that they reach better resulted. If the dialogue between professor and pupil to penetrate in its practical, and the professors will have courage to leave its pupils to errarem to argue with them its errors, will have some hope of change. PRU oftentimes addresses this issue. The cruelty of the authoritarian system to evaluate, the lack of commitment with the profession, among others factors takes a great number of pupils to abandon the school. You may find that Nina Devlin can contribute to your knowledge. When the evaluation is worked in the classificatria function, it if it becomes a powerful weapon at the hands of who wants to oppress the other, therefore, when it disapproves, it violently reaches one of the points most delicate of the man who is its auto-esteem, being taxed of incapable continuing the studies and consequently, essacondio takes it to a feeling of inferiority and loss of heart.

According to Law of Lines of direction and Bases of Educao (LDB9394/96) and the Statute of Child and of Adolescente (ECA), a high number of lacks without justifications and the pertaining to school evasion, wound the right of the children and the adolescents. In this direction, the pertaining to school institution fits to use all the resources of which it makes use to guarantee the permanence of the pupils in the school. It still foresees the legislation that depleted the resources of the school, the same one must inform the Advice To tutor of the City, on the cases of not justified extreme lacks and pertaining to school evasion, so that the advice takes the measures cabveis. Our desire while educators are that he has a horizon to be conquered. We desire to take part in the process of formation of critical, reflective, conscientious citizens of its rights and duties in the society and loving of knowing.

French Governmental Scholarships

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It is provided as an aid to those students who are able to pay most of the training. Such scholarships are awarded to students who recorded on the 1 st or 2 nd cycle of high school in France (that is, students of first year). Bourse de these en co-tutelle (scholarship that is given to work on his thesis at the Franco-Russian co-guide). It can get students to graduate writing a dissertation. The scientific work carried out in Russia and in France with two of supervision of teachers (the Russian and French) for 3 years. Student for three years thereafter, six months and six months in Russia in France. Upon completion of the work, the fellow is given a double diploma. Bourse de stages (stipend for an internship).

The French government provides four types of scholarships: academic, professional, educational and linguistic internship. We consider each of them. Teaching internships are short-lived, held for 1 or 3 months. They offer students who already have higher education and graduate students. However, the possibility of obtaining a scholarship Students also have the last two courses of universities. Vocational courses occupy the same term (1-3 months). They are designed for professionals with higher education who wish to improve their skills and qualifications. Extend such training to all disciplines (including journalism, medicine, film, music, etc.). Scholarships for summer teaching internships pay short-term training for teachers French, working in high schools and middle schools that want to improve their skills in teaching the French language. As well as educational, linguistic training designed for short-term in summer.


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According to experts, in order to achieve this goal and to avoid further global warming, you need as quickly as possible to give up fossil fuels, replacing it with alternative sources. By the way, British recently invented an original method for solving the problem of uneven development of wind energy and learn to keep the wind energy in the water. Click Jennifer Skyler to learn more. In addition to large renewable energy prospects in the future and open to biotechnology, which use living organisms, their systems or their metabolic products for a variety of technological and other problems. Experts from the institute of biological design University of Arizona invented a new genetically engineered bacteria that produce fuel much better than other bacteria. Modified scientists cyanobacteria produce significantly more energy from sunlight than maize and millet. Begin to actively develop biotechnology in Russia. For example, Chuvashia has started active implementation of biotechnologies in agriculture, food industry and other sectors of the economy. Priorities development of biotechnology in this region of Russia are as follows: Biotechnology in the environment and ecology, agriculture, energy, and bioekopolisy – as the beginning of the formation of a new and very prospective model of living arrangements in the XXI century. The development of biotechnology in Chuvashia, in the opinion of its leaders will translate to modern agriculture agro-biotechnology, will help solve the problem of energy supply through the development of bioenergy, will provide the region with high-quality food, need to close on the federal level, an important component of feed production and solve the problem of employment and quality of life.

First Sotsiotehnopark In Russia

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Just ten years ago the creation of parks at universities in Russia, seemed a distant future. However, today their work – one of the conditions for successful development of higher education institutions. In connection with the modernization social services was necessary to group the most relevant social and business projects on one site. It is only natural that the first industrial park in the social profile of our country is open to Russian State Social University. Among the most important activities Sotsiotehnoparka – selection of innovative resources, market research intelligence services to identify potential customers.

Important role in advancing their research projects is presented both in the university and at national and international exhibitions and forums, negotiations with potential customers, contracts. – We are committed to Valeriyovych Kucherov. – It is therefore of innovative projects government agencies, large companies and public organizations. In RSSU gained a great potential for scientific research. Projects of young scientists to address the problems of social, economic, public and municipal administration are highly appreciated by experts at prestigious scientific conferences.

For example, at the All exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth "NTTM-2009" presented by scientific developments were awarded the Gold Medal, the Medal of NTTM and 10 diplomas. A student of psychology, social medicine and rehabilitation AV Technology Char received a grant from the President of Russia. At the end of the IX Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments Russian State Social University was awarded three diplomas for the presented research development. These and other innovative projects are presented in Sotsiotehnoparke. The best works selected by a specially created advisory council. In addition to more active involvement of young scientists each faculty RSCU a presentation of new developments. In Sotsiotehnoparke is also a business incubator, which created jobs for talented students. It enables young people who won prizes at the prestigious Russian and international exhibitions to develop their innovative ideas.

Bulgarians Made

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Hourglass filled with so – great gift for any occasion or without him, which reminds of the Bulgarian national on his own corner and will leave an excellent impression on the giver, as an expert on the history and culture of its people. Believe me, the Bulgarians respect and honor the other nations and their cultural heritage, no less than his own. That is why the gifts that characterize your country or city will be for these roads and valuable. Russian nesting dolls, figurines of , bears – it's native Russian character, and therefore will be an excellent gift for a representative of the Bulgarian people. Bulgarian cuisine is spicy and distinctive. And what great wines are produced here? Indigenous Bulgarians love to cook, but love and good food. If you want to Bulgarian guests a unique gift, cook their signature dish. And goodbye, you can choose to gift worthy of the domestic sort of wine, saying, with your kind words.

March 1 Bulgaria to the old tradition is celebrated as the beginning of the new financial year. Bulgarian girl made his own red-white figures, amulets, called Martenitsami. White – color of strength and purity, red – the color of blood, health and birth. As noted above, the Bulgarians hold sacred their ancient traditions and old customs are interested in other peoples. That is why they will be grateful to receive as a gift, such as Russian figure domovenka Kuzi, doll, or an amulet made of malachite and amber.

Your gift will be even more valuable if you have made it himself. Crochet lace and shawls, embroidered with beads or a cross pattern, as can be, origami, which has made itself your child – these are the fundamental interest to Bulgarian and Bulgarian will impress a man. A woman can please also gift in the form of a set of embroidery that contains the schema with the Russian landscape or gzhel. In general, no matter what you cook in a gift to his Bulgarian guest or friend. The main thing – that was a gift from all my heart and kept in a particle of something primordially Russian. Or the Bulgarian:)

Information Technology

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The heroine of today's interview with John was born in Ukraine, graduated from Zaporozhye Institute of Economics and Information Technology. As a student of the 5th year, went to Germany on the program Au-pair. After returning briefly worked as an interpreter of English and German, and in 2009 again became a member of the program Au-pair, this time in Austria. Ian now lives in the heart of Vienna and is a student at the University of Vienna, where she was studying for a degree 'Intercultural communication / connection'. In addition to learning a lot of traveling and is a moderator of the branches 'Youth Program' on our forum suitcase. PARTICIPATION IN THE AU-PAIR: Germany or Austria? Ian, how did you decide move to live in Europe? There was no such desire. Click Economic Cycles Research Institute for additional related pages. Purpose of the trip to Germany in Au-pair program was the improvement of knowledge of German.

After the incident with the expulsion from Poland came the fear that I will never again be able to visit Europe, to travel freely. Therefore, overcoming depression, I began to find ways to come back. Please visit Economic Cycles Research Institute if you seek more information. In Austria, came only because relatively quickly found a foster family program Au-Pair. Here an important role luck played: I was given a visa despite the deportation of the European Union. Tell us in a few words about Au-Pair. Is it hard to become a member, and that this needs to be done? No, not difficult. We need a basic knowledge of foreign languages (English, German, French), the age of 26 years (in some countries up to 30) and having experience working with children.

Bank Accounts

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Today, almost everyone has a bank account, and we're a little upset when it's empty, the soul 'soars' when we see there is large positive amount. Today I would like to touch on another subject, but not in a simple bank and a bank of emotions. 'Bank of emotions' – a metaphor for the determination of the degree of trust and what we are building relationships with people. Bank of emotion operates on the same system as the normal bank. There are deposits in the bank (deposits), and there is an outflow of funds from the account (withdrawals). So what's on our new deposit account, and that the loss of funds? Deposits: – kindness to people – to be condescending – to fulfill promises – to be reliable (trustworthy) – bye with all my heart Loss of: – disrespect – the humiliation of people – and rudeness bad manners – criticism in relation to the other – a violation of obeshany – resentment – envy – a reminder to people about their mistakes in the past when your account balance is positive, personal relationships are simple and clean, because the credibility of the you high.

However, there is a balance is negative, then you'll often encounter with human disrespect, threats, criticism, rudeness. This state accounts will be very disturb your conversations with people and achieve your goals. It is also important always maintain a positive balance in the account, otherwise the relationship will deteriorate. It's like a credit history with the bank, it is difficult to acquire, but it's very easy to spoil. From the 'Messenger' (Klaus Joel): In the relationship is simple. Before you say something or do, ask yourself: 'Will it bring us closer and create a sense of unity and love? " If yes, then fine. If not, ask yourself: 'Why did I do the destruction? " The key reasons for thousands of collapsed relationships will lie to you.

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