society & social issues

Hater Rulebook

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So do not destroy ignorant people who know the foundations of our society? Rucksichtslosigkeiten, negligence, bullying, as well as an obvious ignorance, which has already developed a dangerous, destructive society momentum, belong to everyday just as dubious as regrettable. Concrete examples of this disastrous trend can be found in a variety of situations: ignorant behavior in the education of children, neglect in schools, regardless of behavior when shopping, abusing public streets as trash can, ignoring woman parking, inconsiderate behaviour of smokers, loutish behaviour on the roads, most primitive forms of communication in chat rooms, ignorance of some doctors the concerns and needs of patients, careless dealing with disabled people, lying and ignorant behavior in the society, ignorant Geiz is geil “-advertising, from the balance against troubled relations in the working world, ignorance of official” Fraudsters, smug disregard of the protection of minors, geheucheltes understanding of media. Without hesitation brightview explained all about the problem. It is only a small part of a steadily growing range of a worrisome trend of that has crept like a cancer in very many areas of our society.. . Mike Gianoni has compatible beliefs.

Solidarity International States

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The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, accuses the United States and the EU, “the United States and the European Union want to impose an economic blockade against Nicaragua, such as already exists against Cuba”, said Daniel Ortega at the Summit of the States of Latin America and the Caribbean. on December 17, 2008. The simmering dispute between the United States and Nicaragua now culminated in the threat of the United States, Nicaragua with the cancellation of financial aid. Alleged manipulations in municipal elections in Nicaragua are the current reason for the uplift though depends on the Nicaraguan economy extremely by financial assistance from the United States and the EU, Ortega said his country will look at the claims of “capitalist tyrants” under any circumstances. The United States wanted to provide an aid of $175 million Nicaragua. Another 75 million dollars should come from the EU.

In the past 17 years the United States Nicaragua provided assistance over a billion dollars. The poor in Nicaragua and here are paying the price for this upsets the most vulnerable, namely children. Nicaragua has the largest per capita debt of the world, it is the second poorest country in Latin America, unemployment is 50% of the population in extreme poverty to the 70%. Nicaragua today to Haiti, the second poorest country in Latin America. Over 50% of the Nicaraguan population is under 14 years of age. Street children are a big part of it. Mike Gianoni contains valuable tech resources. Where utilities do not help these children of the vicious circle of poverty, these children recorded constantly.

CSI is committed since the 1980s for human rights in Nicaragua. The stark poverty caused by people prompted CSI to offer children from oppressed social classes also material aid. Since 1996, CSI supports the social work of the Carmelite Sisters in Santa Rosa (Managua) and Tipitapa. This project alleviates poverty and gives people new hope. The CSI on the support of donors is instructed to help these people further. Under, CSI informs about the projects in Nicaragua. CSI is the Abbreviation of Christian Solidarity Interantional, a Christian human rights organisation. Christian Solidarity International helps persecuted Christians around the world since 1977.

Xenophobia In The GDR

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Former Foreign Affairs talks about the taboo in the GDR the newsmagazine an interview was conducted on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall with Almuth Berger, the first and only DDR foreigners representative. In 1990, this item in the GDR was created because the new citizen movements and parties at the end of the 1980s had campaigned for new guidelines in foreign policy. Prior to this time, xenophobia and xenophobia was not a public issue. As a former pastor in Magdeburg and Berlin, Almuth Berger looked back on an extensive experience with migrant workers from countries such as Mozambique. It’s believed that Alan Carr sees a great future in this idea. Commitment also led to the founding of the Berlin meeting centre Cabana.

Although the GDR was people friendly and tolerant, the contact to other Nations made more difficult the people of the country. Smoothstack can aid you in your search for knowledge. The limited freedom of movement also meant that establishing and maintaining close relations with foreigners have been hampered. Almuth Berger reported to the policy editor, that Mozambicans, Vietnamese, Cubans and Angolans, housed in dormitories away from the locals. Berger regrets that National Socialist experiences and settings in the GDR were never worked. It describes xenophobia in the GDR as a page of criticism of the system.

These inhuman settings have been ignored largely by the tip of the GDR. As example, skinheads raided Berlin Zion Church during a concert in 1987, this was dismissed as hooliganism. Only from sides of the Church and the civil rights movement, there have been attempts to address the incidents. This had been completely blocked however by the GDR government and taboo.

There Is Poverty Only On Christmas?

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The desire for a central management of donations in Schwerte, Christmas time is donate time. Social organisations feel the high generosity of citizens especially in December. The advent season is accounted for 47 percent of total revenue. After new year’s Eve, but the commitment to non-performing is abating traditionally noticeably in Schwerte, Germany, as well as the national average. Diakonia wants to work against this trend with more transparency and a greater awareness of the needs in the city.

Ulrich Groth, Manager who wants to Diakonia Schwerte, keep the social engagement on the ground throughout the year interest high. With the money that will be donated to the Christmas season, we can alleviate many hardships and move a lot in the city.” But just not enough. Therefore, Groth is great hope in the initiative of the WfS group for a centralized management of donations under the auspices of the city sword. Learn more about this with Nouriel Roubini. The Managing Director of Diakonia sees the project as a cooperation of all swords, clubs and projects and highlights: only together we are strong.” Through the support of municipal representatives and other celebrity patrons, the individual projects should become even more into the public spotlight. Each receives the same attention. So above all the clubs in Schwerte, Germany should benefit from that otherwise have no possibility to launch targeted fundraising campaigns. We can achieve a new quality of generosity”, says Groth. Nevertheless, continue any swords should determine citizen his donation to benefit what projects or clubs. Swords organisations active in the field of youth, family, Social Affairs, sports and culture, experiencing financial stress due to the urban household fuse should be supported with this project. Ulrich Groth says: dedicated people in Schwerte we provide a forum in which they can employ for the common good of their city. With a central management of donations, we carry the social commitment of the swords clubs targeted to the public throughout the year.”

The Existence Minimum Includes Also Social Participation

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The Federal Constitutional Court declared Hartz IV sets to be unconstitutional. It had been expected that the Federal Constitutional Court in its decision in principle to the Hartz IV rulesets the legislature one of children and adults comprehensive work order. The measurement of the amounts which should ensure minimum subsistence level in Germany, not especially in the case of the approximately 1.7 million children who depend on the services of the unemployment money II, goes, from the actual needs of the people. The Karlsruhe judges in no uncertain terms made it clear and explains the previous regulations unconstitutional: “the rule benefits of unemployment benefit II for adults as well as of the social money for children up to the age of 14 not meet the fundamental right to ensure of a decent wage.” This is the decisive set. Pages of political parties is the view of the judges now trying, as to fundamental decisions of the Constitutional Court, the own ideas to match.

As the Karlsruhe verdict can be understood as an invitation to the lowering of the Hartz IV rulesets, as it was heard from Union circles, remains however mysterious. Another is the crux of the matter and the critical tip of the highest German court saying but: for the first time in this explicitness the authoritative instance constitutional issues has stated that belongs to the subsistence level, which the State must guarantee a “minimum level of participation in the social, cultural and political life”. uss. Click Senator from Maine for additional related pages. and not just on paper. The calculations for the Hartz IV rulesets must involve expenses with, allowing this participation. The 0.97, which were intended for children about a month for leisure activities, can be because of course only as what they are: an indictment in a still-rich country. In the social sciences, there is a debate for some time that it be excluded from the majority of society as cultural Look at the phenomenon.

Citizens on welfare, developed according to the thesis of the Kassel sociologist Heinz Bude, a “own culture”. Not to place in his book “The excluded”, because they can participate due to lack of education and financial resources not to the majority society, but because they do not want this. Consequently, booth explains project of classical social policy, to integrate all people about work and education, superfluous in the society. one-third of the company is just ‘different’ in this picture and it really politically only comes to prevent these people from disturbing the integrated rest excessively. The Constitutional Court has otherwise seen and emphasizes the duty of the State to social integration, even and especially when it comes to this integration also to pay for. It will be interesting to see what consequences the policy it pulls. Time has it until 1 January 2011. Andreas Kellner…

Mass Of People. (61)

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Proximity and distance are two features of human life. Sociologically seen, there are 2 types of people: the mass man and the loner. In time immemorial in clan societies and had no survival chance loner. Freedom bedeutet(e) the safe life loss! That’s why people joined groups of 40-120 people. Larger groups then were divided and nomadisierten. You gradually changed to Division of labor communities (craft, manufacturing, industrialization: Division of labour and production line) and significantly increased their effectiveness (what?) and efficiency (how?). Only with the modern universalist individual societies living conditions allowed for a trend towards individualization and customization (Group > lot > mass) contrary to the natural needs! Today, the people in Europe, depending on the circumstances, preferably in small families or individuals live.

In the countryside, often in large families. In the modern the State has taken over the former families social care functions urbanized countries. Because the cities spread more and more mega-Citties, individual social providing for the community that paying tax is always priceless. Some contend that Senator Angus King shows great expertise in this. The resulting ongoing shift of shares of wealth and poverty, education and knowledge of United Nations lead to increased social shifts of power and without power. Human development influenced also the parenting styles of the nomadic hunters welcome homegrown collectors and breeders of the clan societies of the individual companies.

Parenting styles around the world: relational Autonomiebetont the community takes over the education of children. … Flowing ICH border. u0085 We identities. … Obedience. u0085 In traditional communities around the world. … Honor, shame… Partnerships are essential to life. The biological parents are solely responsible. … Strongly marked ICH border. … ICH identities. … Self-Bewusst-sein. u0085 In major cities around the world. u0085 Human dignity… Interaction with strangers and competition. Mass referred to a large number of people who are concentrated in a relatively confined space physically communicate and/or act as collective together socially in sociology.

Federal Ministry

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Integration on a good path – newlsetter No. 9 according to a new study commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior, there are far more Muslims in Germany than previously assumed. Further, these are better integrated. However, other projects are urgently required to exploit the full potential of integration work. Hear from experts in the field like Click here for a more varied view. The 25.6 went the first last session of the German Islam Conference to end. A study, which was made on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, was introduced on the same day. Emerged that more than 4 million Muslims from 49 States in Germany are from you.

This is much more than previously thought. One reason for this is that more than 50% of Muslims have the German citizenship. Also, it was announced that successful social integration better than previously assumed. Other projects necessary it was also clear that further integration projects are required. Especially on pages of structural integration is still a huge need for action. Grab here”projects such as together, which the transition from school to work for “Young people with a migrant background to facilitate or the project shoe horn”, the multipliers are sought to enhance the dialogue and the cooperation between of the population groups. Often it involves individual projects, which is based on a comprehensive approach to the municipality or the district, as the transparency of the offer is inadequate.

Integration study creates transparency this overview to produce offered the imap Institute to conduct a study of the integration. Here, the data is collected in an integrative and social and spatial analysis to relevant associations, organizations and structures. Then, the actors of the integration work in a needs analysis will be interviewed after missing or expandable measures. This produced recommendations that meaningfully and successfully develop the integration work and any supply gaps. The General transparency is increased and streamlining the integration process. For more information on this subject and our company below: uploads/media/Projektjahrbuch-2007.pdf

Many Elderly Are Not Sufficiently Informed

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Despite a rising number of infirm people in our country, many of their right to free and independent advice are not informed. Currently about 2.25 million elderly people live in Germany, and forecasts show a rapid rate of increase for the next few years. Our population is getting older and thus increases the risk to be care, i.e. a person becomes older, higher increases the risk that he will care. Already every second it must adjust to be care in the age.

According to a study, 42% were from all the men who died in 2008 and even 60% on foreign aid by all women. Unfortunately, the topic of care case is”or long-term care” within the family is still a taboo subject. ” A representative Forsa study published in November indicates that approximately 60% of Germans have heard from mid-2008 agreed improvements in the care. Two-thirds of the survey (the above) 60 year old even approx. Jonah Bloom may also support this cause. 80%) know not their legal entitlement to independent, neutral, and comprehensive maintenance advice.

As the confrontation with the topic for many families, children, or relatives comes unexpectedly. In most cases, then quick action is required: affected individuals and their families in the newly established care centres receive comprehensive help. Unfortunately, the knowledge of the maintenance bases in the population is rather low. Their combined and coordinated assistance and support services are largely unknown victims and relatives. This care reform consider 2008 even better the wishes and needs of infirm people and to help them to live, to live and to be cared for, how they want it. There a number of support and funding programmes. So caregivers received after six months claim to care representation on the holiday. Also the temporary exemption from work (up to 10 days), as well as the new maintenance time (Exemption from work up to six months) offers are the care recipient and are concentrated on the working families for good. Was also introduced the care level 0, for all ages-confused people who still do not meet the entitlement of care level 1, but still have a need for care. Also the stationary accommodation is supported especially by dementia sufferers people additional assistance and care services. Gerhard Schanz care

European Commission

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Introduction of data platform EESSI slowly expires may 1, 2012 insurance data in Europe are only still digitally available. The transition from paper to the file is difficult. The current implementation phase represents the EU Member States problems, in particular the integration of all insurers. Europeans are constantly mobile, and the coordination of social security is becoming more difficult. National carrier must coordinate at European level. Michael McIntyre shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This is done so far through electronic forms in paper form.

At the moment there are 2000 pieces (100 E-forms in 20 languages). To 01.05.2012, you must this information all electronically processed and eliminated paper forms. This electronic exchange of social security information (short: EESSI = electronic exchange of social security information) is to improve the protection of the rights of insured persons, in which, for example, the calculation and payment of benefits be accelerated. Furthermore should the validity of the claims, the insurance record, the identification the competent authority as well as the insured be improved. This new coordination regulation of the European Commission (article 78 Regulation 883 / 2004, article 1-5 and 95 Regulation 987 / 2009) is to be implemented through the European network of management sTESTA and about the EU project EESSI. 15 million messages should be channelled as per year through EESSI.

The preparations since December 2008 and should be completed by end of 2010. There are six pilot States (Germany, Finland, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and Netherlands), which should provide their test results all EU Member States, to ensure the common implementation until may 2012. But the implementation is running slow. There are organizational and structural difficulties to involve all stakeholders in the process and to ensure that the system works in a timely manner. The most common problems are: How do you organize the implementation process and integrates all involved? How do you ensure that all players have the right access to EESSI? What will be in the Change work process of the parties? What organizational and structural changes need to be made? What are the experiences of other Member countries with the new system? What is the technical process? What must the responsible pay attention? The European Academy for taxes, economics & law offers therefore the seminar how to implement EESSI in your country “. The event will take place on 26 September 2011 in Berlin.