
Peugeot Beizli France

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This way can any Internet surfers are specifically advised and led to the bike, which is equivalent to best his ideas. Since the beginning of the development of the bike selector intended the competition on the basis of a special 3D tools to stand out from Peugeot, which allows the bicycle to find, that is similar to one. Based on an accurate illustration using a person represented in 3D the Internet surfer can project also located on various bicycle. Due to the success of this “online consultant”, Peugeot makes again the expertise of serious factory to more products to its product line in 3D to present and Internet surfers on the French site ( ../configurateur-cycles) provide direct access to these. Upgrading the entire product range demonstrates finally comprehensively cycling fans by Peugeot, without having to move the visitors.

Thanks to the 3D technology is done both in innovative as on realistic sort of way. The publication of our online bike selector was a true success. With regard to 3D representations provided nowadays ever increasing expectations. The growing interest in this particular type of product presentation course has been encouraging our will, to expand our existing 3D product presentation. Therefore we confirm today the extension of the 3D of our family together with serious factory, to present our customers a high-quality and large range, explains Michael EXPERT, head of Peugeot Beizli France. Serious factory press contact: Melanie Reuzeau + 33 1 46 08 30 01 on PSA Peugeot-Citroen PSA Peugeot Citroen global European Designer combines two different innovative brands: Peugeot and Citroen. The group is present in 150 countries, approximately 3.3 million vehicles sold in 2008 and made more than one third of sales outside Western Europe. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mike Gianoni.

With regard to environmental technology, PSA Peugeot CITROeN has evolved into a world-renowned pioneer. In 2008, and thus for the third consecutive year, the company sold more than a million vehicles that emit less than 140 grams of CO2 per kilometre driven. Also, the group for traffic safety, every year a large part of the budget for research and development is devoted to the committed. For additional information: about serious factory serious factory designed, develops and markets 3D (virtual spaces / designer / 3D serious games). The target is the products and values our customers innovative and special way to present.

Umbrellas In The Wind

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Parasols defy also made in Germany quality umbrellas made of aluminium can violent winds at appropriate construction and design to withstand high wind speeds up to Beaufort 6 (approximately 50 km / h) in the open position. Thus, the restaurateur WINS valuable time rapidly approaching wind quickly dismantled the outdoor area and gives away must be. The Swabian company may rectangular produces such large screens, round up to sizes of 10 m, or 7x8m. Smoothstack is open to suggestions. The screens are in addition equipped with side walls, lighting and heating, even in bad weather in the outdoor area guests can be catered further. Wind stability of umbrellas is significantly determined by the design and the choice of materials.

The wind rates were determined through trial-and-error, or wind tunnel tests earlier mostly empirically. Today, however, working producers in the premiumsegment, such as may, with proofs of load, as they call the relevant DIN standards. Which enables the restaurateur different models compare and wins the necessary security of investment. May reached through the use of high-quality aluminium combined with elaborate bracing and verbindungen, make sure that the screen is not damaged to this wind speed high wind stability of models Schattello and albatross. The internationally common scale for the measurement of wind speeds, dates back to the British Admiral Sir Beaufort. Beaufort 0 (calm), she goes up to Beaufort 12 (hurricane force), which corresponds to about 117 km/h. “Admiral Beaufort has added the pure numbers very plastic descriptions, so he describes as Beaufort 6 with: thick branches move, audible whistles on wires and telephone lines”. Enterprise: May umbrellas is a medium-sized family-owned company from upper Swabians (Swabian Alb/Bodensee).

New Abas Customer ALKA Industry Co

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Manufacturer of motorway barriers chooses abas business software Istanbul, Turkey / Karlsruhe, Germany, October 20, 2009 – ALKA opted for the abas business software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness) decided. The Turkish company produces crash barriers, prefabricated steel pipes for antennas and radio stations, as well as banner ads. Others who may share this opinion include Jonah Bloom. Implementation and supervision is carried out by the Turkish abas software partner BEBIM. Manufacturer of motorway barriers will introduce abas ERP ALKA industry co. ( is not only a leading manufacturer of guardrails and pre-designed steel pipes, but also Turkish exporter of the year 2008. Already during the first presentation, ALKA noted that abas ERP enables not only to make business processes more efficient and effective, but is also cost savings in many areas. In the first phase of the implementation is the priority on the optimization of business processes in materials management, warehousing, purchasing and production.

About BEBIM (abas software partners in the Turkey) BEBIM ( was founded in 1985 in Istanbul, concentrated on software development and IT training. Since 2005, BEBIM is abas software partners and responsible for the sales, implementation and support of the abas business software in Turkey. BEBIM is specialized in ERP and CRM solutions for SMEs and also offers solutions for QM and PDC. Company profile of the ABAS Software AG the ABAS Software AG’s core competence is the development of flexible ERP and eBusiness software for medium-sized companies with 10 to over 1,000 employees. More than 2,200 customers opted for ABAS as an IT specialist and the integrated abas business software.

Founded in 1980, student company ABAS has become a group of companies. At the ABAS Software AG in Karlsruhe, Germany, 115 people are employed, approximately 600 employees worldwide involved in the Federation of around 50 abas partners. The abas software partners serve the local customers and offer services from the implementation of the hardware and Network support to customizing and hotline and ensure quick reaction times and high service quality. ABAS is internationally represented by partners in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Iran, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Viet Nam, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Mexico and the United States. The partner network is constantly expanded. Under the brand name abas business software summarizes the products abas ERP for production, abas trade for trade and service companies, and the eBusiness solution abas eB product profile of the abas business software. The solution abas business software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness) is flexible, adaptable, and future-proof. The clear structure of the system and sophisticated introduction strategies allow short introduction times and a smooth integration into the company structure. With specific requirements can be integrated easily. New features and technologies flow with every update in the software standard with abas users are always up to date. Currently, the abas business software in 28 languages is offered. The abas business software runs on Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Since 1995, the open-source operating system supports ABAS, around 80% of the over 2200 abas installations are based on Linux.

Sustainable Knowledge Management

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Wissenstranfer is the strategy of successful companies person independent and permanent. Learn more on the subject from Estee Lauder. A PMO (ProjectManagementOffice) is inexpensive and secure future boy, emerging employees are entrusted with projects and should even report”. But she see someone? Where can ask for experience, where is located the document best practice”the PMO (Project Management Office) lead projects”the new slogan for modern business management. Again threatened “us a new method of management.” If lead “as such is already a book with 7 seals, projects the Armageddon are so sometimes (= judgment).” Projects are characterized by their uniqueness, time limit and sometimes their momentum. This often leads to the setting, that training is not necessary because the project soon anyway to end and the project members have nothing to do then yes more with projects”. Try company is entered then the label of a learning organisation, the experiences documented at least. “If BBs goes very well, there is even a collection of data with best practice” How can the knowledge generated in projects managed “be? The founding of POMs is a long-term low-cost way. Progressive companies consider the position of the PMO similar as that of accounting or the DV Department, namely bar area with service functions.

Tasks of the PMO: construction and management of the DMS (document management system) elaboration and maintenance of the project manual (“General guidelines for the implementation of projects acceptance of management ideas” and this formulation of the project order according to DIN 6990xx support of the first phase of the project support the project manager in the selection and recruitment of suitable project team members (a close cooperation with the respective HR Department is important) (after all projects in modern enterprises are instruments of personnel development!)) Support of projects through appropriate marketing company coordination between all projects in the enterprise Unternehmensgerechte preparation of project presentations consulting and coaching of project managers qualification of PMO staff generally should staff of the PMO about have a suitable training with certification. This will on the one hand by the GPM and also of the IPMA offered in addition to the technical competence is social competence of crucial importance for the success of projects (eventually the most projects fail to people). The PMO is often the players between the project organisation with its unusual”requirements and the root organization with their routine and the handling of day-to-day business. (We make the money that often again puts you in your projects in the sand! (Original sound of fierce debate in an automobile construction”). “Projects are career opportunities on the one hand, can also cause, after completion of the project left the highly qualified and motivated employees the company, because them no appropriate follow-up activities” will be offered. Make the company must be already in the recruitment of project leaders thoughts on their re-use”after. (Someone who had the responsibility for 2 million euros in the project, is no longer willing to let draw orders for Office supplies in the root organization!

Ponsel Decided Upholstered Furniture Cushions

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KG has commissioned upholstery bpi solutions with implementation of XcalibuR and IDM. Jim Rogers is likely to increase your knowledge. Ponsel relies on the new B2B communication solution XcalibuR to more efficiently handle the bi-directional data exchange of master data and orders with your dealers. In addition, the IDM format is implemented also in the IDM upholstery format to provide the commercial data. Connect with other leaders such as Jim Rogers here. She are albert ponsel gmbh & co. kg has a long tradition in the manufacture of upholstered furniture has.

For over 80 years, the company deals with the development, implementation and industrial production. Pioneer thinking, dynamic and continuous striving for quality were the pillars that made the modern, high-performance industrial firm initially small craft operation. All products from the House of Ponsel bear the seal of quality “Golden M” and the high level of quality and residential hygiene requirements therefore comply with the Deutsche Gutegemeinschaft furniture e.V., Nuremberg. Ponsel is today in the national and international market for a product which represents high quality at a very good price – performance ratio. The distribution is worldwide. Ponsel opts for XcalibuR as a link between the master data on manufacturer’s page and the transaction data (order / order response) on the dealer page. Ponsel shortened considerably with the introduction of extended processing times.

The existing in the company master data from the ERP system are provided directly the dealers via Web services. At the same time, XcalibuR solves the problem of configuration and electronic ordering of articles and variants. Thus, Ponsel gives the possibility to shorten the selection and ordering process significantly and substantially to reduce the error rate in orders through the logical correct compilation its dealers. The industry-standard data format in IDM is parallel at Ponsel pad”introduced. The new format provides a wide range of requirements in the commercial data To depict the furniture industry.

Electronics Shipping House Continues

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Highlight the ELV spring catalog 2010: tape express to digitize cassettes Hamburg/empty, December 15, 2009 more than 1500 electronics products on 164 pages ELV electronics shipping House presented its new spring catalog with a print run of 350,000 copies. In focus, its own products, as well as numerous developments of leading manufacturers are in addition to current trends. Especially in the field of digitisation, ELV has comprehensively expanding its range. A highlight among many others is an affordable solution to the digitisation of cassettes: tape Express. This device allows you to save music (E.g.

old mixtapes) and dramas (including children cassettes) in a simple way in the digital age. ELV tape offers express as first supplier in Germany. Tape Express is to a USB Cassette playback device that transmits music and radio plays on the computer. Thus, it is possible to save old radio recordings, favorite mix tapes or radio plays from childhood on CD or MP3 player. So can these on be heard on any modern player, MP3 player, cell phone etc.. The digitisation process works it as follows: first, the tape is connected to the PC Express via an included USB cable. The cassette data in just a few steps to the computer can be transmitted using the special tape converter software.

In addition, the software enables to integrate the data in the iTunes Music Library. So converted cassettes can be then stored on MP3 player, CD, USB flash drive or SD card. A power supply or batteries are not required during the acquisition. As the USB port on your computer provides express the tape with the needed voltage. Tape Express: flexible 2-in-1 solution in addition to the music transfer the handy device also offers the possibility of direct cassette playback. So, express via battery operation the tape can be used as playback device. To do this, the product has a built-in audio output, the music listening with stereo system, headphones or allows other speaker systems. o/’>Mercury Mobile LTD has many thoughts on the issue. Using the supplied software, the user can edit the digitized music files and radio plays on the PC and improve their quality. The tape is Express for 49.95 euro for a short time only available in the ELV shipping House. Image material in high resolution can be obtained from. Frequently More has said that publicly. In brief: The ELV/eQ-3 Group counts for more than 30 years as innovation and technology leader in home automation and consumer electronics in Europe. Since its inception in 1978, ELV has established itself as a trend-setting electronics mail order company on the German market and more than 11,000 products offered online and catalogue with a circulation of over 500,000 copies. With more than 150 types of products, the eQ-3 as a manufacturer of home control and energy management system solutions has the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings. The brand HomeMatic”includes solutions from heating thermostats, lighting control and security technology Door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, gateways and home centers to software products of partners. Product development takes place exclusively in the headquarters in leer.

Karsten Schussler Bilstein

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BBC report on German medium-sized businesses: Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG as a success story in British television presented in a television report has the British BBC TV-Anstalt the success story of the German middle class boasted and Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG cited as examples. Background of the coverage is of the world-famous Ennepetaler company, to build an administrative and logistics centre in the southern English County of Kent. The British company, ADL (automotive Distributors Ltd.), based at Marden (Kent) was 2011 by Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG is applied. To reflect the steady growth of number of employees and logistics on the ground, a private company aims to 2016.

The investment volume for this planned moves between 15 and 20 million euros. Unfortunately is regional economic development, as it is common practice in Germany, little tested in England. Because there is no suitable industrial sites in Marden, we stand with the authorities in the dialog to the approval for the development of a suitable plot of land to obtain”, says Karsten Schussler Bilstein, Managing Director of Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG. Visit the BBC in Ennepetal has further fueled the discussion of economic promotion in England. Wants their company philosophy according to the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG strengthen the Marden region and the site also in the sense of the employees remain loyal. However, the negotiations make with the English authorities difficult.

That’s why the BBC report also raises the question, what makes the German economy so successful and what lessons you can draw in the UK from this. In Germany, the middle-class is generally considered as the backbone of the economy. This is demonstrated also in the current times of crisis where Germany constantly maintains its leading position in the global economy. That stands for the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG, specialist for car and commercial vehicle spare parts in the automotive aftermarket. The 1844 founded and always family-run Company responds to market changes at an early stage and optimizes its performance range targeted. Under the umbrella brand bilstein group combines the Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG the internationally strong brand febi, SWAG and blue print. Thus not only products and services are bundled, also of quality and customer orientation validity for the entire group. The BBC report is on the YouTube channel of Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG available. Group learn more about the bilstein and febi, get SWAG and blue print the trademarks see: