From 29 June to 2 July 2009 was the school of excellence, “Hardware-software system automation control access to information resources on the road level, and public key infrastructure in the RZD. The school attended by specialists InformZaschita, representatives of regional security centers of Railways, large system integrators and developers in the area of IT security and information security. The company’s specialists InformZaschita told about the software-hardware complex of automated control access to information resources on the CFR, established on the basis of KUB. Experience of implementation of hardware and software AFB, developed by InformZaschita, spoke in his report to the specialist Kuibyshev Railway. System of a cube – a tool to control access to resources information system and monitoring system information security. The introduction of the organization of the system enables KUB to solve the problems associated with managing user access rights to resources of IP, and reduce the associated costs. In addition, specialists Company InformZaschita the report “Experience in developing and implementing public key infrastructure in the RZD.
“In such an event for our company is involved not the first time since we have been successfully cooperate with the Railways. Customers and suppliers, gathered together, were able not only to communicate but also to discuss a number of accumulated problems, make new proposals and to discuss about future plans cooperation “, – said Alexander Zenkovsky, Head of the Department for Energy and industry companies InformZaschita. Company Information: Company InformZaschita – a leading Russian systems integrator in the field of information security. The company focuses on providing services in consulting, auditing, and security analysis, design, implementation, delivery, maintenance, technical support solutions Information security of modern automated systems of any complexity. Company InformZaschita is a company InformZaschita that specializes in providing information security and more than 10 years the Russian market leader IB. The company is a certified partner of a number of the world’s largest providers of security solutions: Application Security, Check Point Software Technologies, Cisco, Clearswift, Cybertrust, IBM Internet Security Systems, netForensics, Trend Micro and others and operates under licenses FSTEK Russia, the Russian FSB, the Russian Defense Ministry and Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia.