
Check Point Software Technologies

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From 29 June to 2 July 2009 was the school of excellence, “Hardware-software system automation control access to information resources on the road level, and public key infrastructure in the RZD. The school attended by specialists InformZaschita, representatives of regional security centers of Railways, large system integrators and developers in the area of IT security and information security. The company’s specialists InformZaschita told about the software-hardware complex of automated control access to information resources on the CFR, established on the basis of KUB. Experience of implementation of hardware and software AFB, developed by InformZaschita, spoke in his report to the specialist Kuibyshev Railway. System of a cube – a tool to control access to resources information system and monitoring system information security. The introduction of the organization of the system enables KUB to solve the problems associated with managing user access rights to resources of IP, and reduce the associated costs. In addition, specialists Company InformZaschita the report “Experience in developing and implementing public key infrastructure in the RZD.

“In such an event for our company is involved not the first time since we have been successfully cooperate with the Railways. Customers and suppliers, gathered together, were able not only to communicate but also to discuss a number of accumulated problems, make new proposals and to discuss about future plans cooperation “, – said Alexander Zenkovsky, Head of the Department for Energy and industry companies InformZaschita. Company Information: Company InformZaschita – a leading Russian systems integrator in the field of information security. The company focuses on providing services in consulting, auditing, and security analysis, design, implementation, delivery, maintenance, technical support solutions Information security of modern automated systems of any complexity. Company InformZaschita is a company InformZaschita that specializes in providing information security and more than 10 years the Russian market leader IB. The company is a certified partner of a number of the world’s largest providers of security solutions: Application Security, Check Point Software Technologies, Cisco, Clearswift, Cybertrust, IBM Internet Security Systems, netForensics, Trend Micro and others and operates under licenses FSTEK Russia, the Russian FSB, the Russian Defense Ministry and Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia.

Second Life Office

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The first thing to say that the edit form of the earth (do terraforming) can only owners of this site or residents who are entitled to do that land owners. Set texture of the surface Land owners may just as much as Sims (region). So, if you have the right to terraforming any land, to enter the edit mode to click on this earth right mouse button and choose Edit terrain. Land management Again, I should note that control may be buried or owners of the land, or residents who are given a right to own land. In order to enter or land management need to click on this earth right mouse and select About Land, or in the top menu in the client to click on the name of the land on which it is located. This can be seen in the picture below. In this section, the Knowledge Base will highlight only the most important and frequently-used aspects of land management.

So, the first tab – General. Photo In this tab you can set the name of the Parcel, a brief description of your area to learn Parcel (area), if you are able to do so – to sell (sell land), Parcel can learn traffic (traffic) and more. Photo In the Covenant tab you can see information about the whole region (Sim), its name, owner, and description of the region. Photos of Interesting Objects tab there is much information Primov support Your Parcel as Primov already installed on the Parcel, how much is left free, here you can set the time for avtovozvrata objects (if the opportunity set of objects Rezzo residents). Also in this tab, you can see whose objects are placed on your Parcel (quantity and ovnerov objects), you can watch it by pressing the Refresh List. Selecting one of those whose objects are placed on your Parcel and pressing Return Objects – you delete items that resident from his Parcel.

Photo Another important tab Options. Here you can set permissions for all users and user groups, which is decorated Parcel. You can also set the resolution here on a flight leaving at lendmarok residents and damage. In this tab you can set a picture to show the Parcel in the search, as well as point teleport from search results. And much more is available in this tab. Photo the next tab Media music and video streams are established for Parcel, and the ability pispolzovaniya Voice (voice communication) for the Parcel. Photo In the last tab you set the Access permissions on the residents. Here you can make your ban list of those residents who do not want to give access to your Parcel. See the original article Here is a small description of the possibilities for land management. Of course, not everything is told, but you can ask questions on this and other sections of the Knowledge Base site under the heading 'FAQ'.

Company Development

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BUT … One of the advantages of having the software the previous generation, is that the transition to a new platform in the Company formalize the main business processes and as a consequence, there is a change in understanding the needs of a typical configuration, in accordance with individual companies. In this case, in our opinion, interesting and useful in As a solution to consider – 1C: 8, because it is more amenable to modification / upgrades and has a number of features already incorporated in the standard configuration. If … in the long term requirements of the Company to modify the software software formed in accordance with changing business processes of the firm. . Ie further automation of the Company does not require significant time and cost (including the systematic recourse to Development company) and is a standard procedure …

If in the course of development of the Company and there were requirements related to performance optimization software, and user-friendly interface. Ie "Old" software can not meet the needs of companies in terms of speed and performance at this stage, by virtue of any restrictions. If … there is a need to obtain certain analytical information (reports of additional sections without changing the structure of the data). Ie standard laid down by the developer reports are not sufficient to ensure the monitoring and analysis of the Company, and accordingly the decision-making. In the first approximation we considered the most basic aspects that need attention, making a decision about the choice of software.

Graphics Programs

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Do you think that can serve as a criterion in selecting software? Suppose you had to choose a program for a specific need. For example, take one of the most needed programs, which used every day, thousands and thousands of users for the Internet. I'm talking about Internet Explorer, or, in other words, the browser. Think of yourself when you were a newcomer to the Internet and viewed your first Web page … You just undecided browser, through which they viewed or set on your computer and have tried several browsers in their work? So, what is it all relates and to the fact that the choice of programs for some purpose it is necessary that many to choose from that was an alternative. Below is a list of the most interesting in my opinion programs in various categories: The Internet and the Web, Multimedia, Security, Graphics, Text, System, Rims and files. It is these categories of applications are in most cases, conventional polzovateli.Chtoby you can immediately see the program you cite references to separate application pages.

Using these links, you will appreciate the look and feel of the program on its screenshots and read a brief overview of a program. Favorite applications you can of course the same can skachat.Itak, a list of popular programs for Internet version of the portal and ZoneInternet SetiInternet ExplorerBrauzer, developed by programmers Microsoft. In Internet Explorer implements user-friendly interface that can be customized at will. In Internet Explorer are the so-called tabs (tab), there is support for CSS, and RSS-news feeds.

Russia Quot

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December 30, 2009 Company InformZaschita completed a project on the preparation and the certification of CJSC "Armenian Card" (Yerevan) in compliance with international safety standard payment cards – PCI DSS century. 1.2, for results of which the company received a certificate of compliance. CJSC "Armenian Card" is the first company in Armenia, received the certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS. Conduct a successful certification is the result of joint project of CJSC "Armenian Card" and ZAO NPC InformZaschita. The project was implemented in several key stages and lasted more than two years. The audit for 2008 was drawn up a detailed plan to correct the discrepancies, A working group of employees "Armenian Card" and "InformZaschita. In the next stage were carried out all necessary works to eliminate inconsistencies, including instrumental assessment was carried out protection of the environment of data processing of payment cards, including scans of publicly available network nodes "Armenian Card" and testing the possibility of obtaining unauthorized access to cardholder data. On final stage of the project was conducted the certification audit, the results of which have been identified no non-compliance standard, which allowed the company InformZaschita make a positive conclusion and issue "Armenian Card" certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS.

According to project leader of the InformZaschita QSA-auditor Igor Eliseev:" The project was made possible through a coordinated joint work of employees "Armenian Card" and experts InformZaschita, as well as the professionalism of the project participants and focus on results. " According to Maxim, Emma, director of the Department of Audit InformZaschita: "The specialists of Informzaschita" and "Armenian Card" had to make serious efforts to ensure compliance with all PCI DSS requirements in view of features of infrastructure "Armenian Card "in the given budget framework. One of the key success factors of project I would call the approach to the implementation plan for achieving compliance, which ensures close interaction between client and auditor and periodic monitoring by the auditor not only on the basis of the plan, but during the time of its implementation. " Also, Maxim Emm said that "Armenian Card" is the first in Armenia and among the top ten companies received a certificate of compliance with PCI DSS requirements in Russia and CIS. Executive Director of the "Armenian Card" Shagen Hovhannisyan said that since the adoption of the standard PCI DSS (2006), the company set a goal – fully comply with the PCI DSS. To this end, the company carried out work on staff training, introduction of a strict system of quality control, updating the system software and hardware. In result of strict implementation of the above works was to obtain Certificate of Eligibility (Certificate of Compliance). Work to achieve PCI DSS compliance led to a new level of workflow and positive impact on the quality and safety services to the company ZAO Armenin Card ". And as the Certificate of Compliance issued for 1 year and is subject to annual audit, Shahen Hovhannisyan assured that the company "Armenin Card" will continue to work on retaining and validating the results.