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CCF Autumn Session

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Call Center Forum Germany e. V. held General Assembly in the context of CC science 2010 when the 5th and 6th October 2010 CC science 2010 taking place at the University of Leipzig, also the call center Forum Germany e. V. (CCF) will be active from the lot.

The leading industry association has decided to integrate its autumn session in the program of the Leipzig Congress. If two experts combine their competence, then the result should be more than the sum of one plus one”, explains Thomas Zacharias, Board of management quality at the CCF. Through the pooling of knowledge and resources, we want to offer our members an even exquisitere selection of speakers and topics, and of course space to expand the network. We look forward to this industry highlight in the autumn.” As in previous years, the call centre will take over in 2010 under the auspices of the CC Science Forum Germany. With the integration of the CCF-autumn session, the Industry Association now not only as immaterial, but also with own content into the brings Congress program.

“I welcome the decision of the call center Forum Germany, to combine the meeting with our Congress”, added Kai-Werner Fajga, Managing Director of the Specialist Publishing House portfolio and Programme Manager in charge of the CC science 2010 just because the CC science not only the content of hot iron ‘ tackle the call and contact center industry, but also far beyond the industry looks beyond can all participants on numerous interesting thinkers and new personal contacts look forward. ” “About the CC science 2010 under the heading of customer dialogue of the future” held the CC science on the 5th and 6th October 2010 at the University of Leipzig. The Congress sees itself as a dating on the scientists and economic links with each other in the interview come and can be thought-provoking each other. The two-day event is aimed at business managers and executives in sales, marketing and IT in medium-sized companies as well as Decision-makers from the call and contact center industry in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Details can be found by clicking Mike Gianoni or emailing the administrator. The CC science 2010 is organised by the trade magazine TeleTalk and the itCampus group. As patrons and cooperation partners including: The call center Forum Germany, the Austrian call center, the Swiss industry association, the German dialog Marketing Association (DDV), customer service Association Germany (KVD) and the Association of voluntary self-monitoring body for telephone services (FST). about the call center Forum Germany e.V. The call center Forum Germany e. V. (future call center Germany e.V. of Association of) is the Association of the call center business in Germany. The CCF represents a wide variety of companies that provide about 35 percent of the German call center jobs. The focus of the work, exchange of experience and information at regional, national and international level. At the same time it has become the CCF to the task, to combine the interests of the call center industry is constantly evolving and a competent Point of contact for those interested, multipliers, media and politics. The nationwide well 400 members include leading companies in the fields of Commerce, banking and insurance, as well as from the industry and service sector. Besides great service call centers are also numerous companies with own in-house call centers. The same applies to manufacturers of telecommunications systems.

Farm Festival At The Noodle Factory Looks

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Sauces, radiant people and short showers Andelfingen, 11.09.2013 – how are manufactured ladders? How does a blacksmith? What technical skills do we need in jewelry making or sewing? I find the one or other decoration for our apartment? Schauts courtyard party could offer a response to visitors to these questions. Of course, the transparent factory of the family business was open to interested visitors and offered a glimpse into the traditional noodle production. In addition, the Swabian pasta factory offered lots of culinary delights, music and good humor for adults and children. Shortly after eleven o’clock, the marquee was almost completely filled. Music played and people gave to food and drink, relax or strolled across the grounds and looked over the many different stalls. There was a boisterous, good mood. “We are crowd-puller with this year’s annual courtyard party very happy”, Joachim looks, Junior Chef of the Manufactory.

In this mixed weather we are pleased that so many people have found their way to us.” The courtyard Festival a magnet for visitors was from near and far, showed even a look at the features of automobiles. Here everything was represented by Lake Constance after Stuttgart. Over 2,000 visitors came to the event this year. “We have on the Internet by the courtyard party read and are excited”, tells a pair of Friedrichshafen. Here you can feel the atmosphere and the warmth. It’s just beautiful.” The family-run noodle factory took their annual farm Festival to introduce their latest creation.

its new pasta sauces. We wanted to offer, just to test our fine sauces. After all, love goes through the stomach,”so Brigitte looks. The response was overwhelming. The fine specialities were very good. At the beginning Schauts are piquant tomato sauce, tomato sauce and a tomato meat sauce in the offer. Should the available variants but are expanding steadily be. The tasting of the sauce showed that the tomato sauce at big and small is best arrived. Which tastes just fine,”a lady commented your purchase while she puts up three glasses of the specialty. Highest demands as it for looks of course is, only selected ingredients for the sauce. The family business demands a great quality in its products. For looks there is therefore no question that even the new sauces without added flavor enhancers and preservatives ingredients produced. Originated from a farm in the family over the years expanded its capacity. The result is a modern glass’ noodle factory, which was awarded by the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of food and rural areas. This creates transparency and the customer can check on site, that all ingredients used and the manufacturing process is subject to highest standards. In addition invested the family in an attractive farm shop, in which in addition regional specialities to its own products are offered. “With its b’sonderen” products is deliberately looks a very own way. In addition to the passion for hand work, it goes without saying that only selected regional ingredients are used for the family. All of the pasta factory products can be ordered online.

Car Loans

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No. credit check car loans fulfill a person s desire to own a beautiful car. Know more. A car is no longer a luxury; It’s a necessity, if you really find yourself painstaking a lot to commute each time you go out to work. (A valuable related resource: Angus King ). Now that you are considering to buy yourself a car, your credit score may be your next concern. No.

more worries. The no credit check car loans are here to take care of your expression. The easiest way out is to apply for no. credit check loan with the right lender. The job of the lender will then be to match your needs with on expert car dealer who helps customers with the bad credit or no credit to get the car. Often finance calculators and online application act as a guide through car financing process and educate you about how much car you may afford. Gone are those days when people with good credit ratings could only avail the car loan. Nowadays, you get tailor made no credit check car loans which help people to avail car financing without the credit check.

This helps those individuals with poor, bad, no credit ratings to get car loans which are easy to pay off and are affordable. With no. credit check car loans, people with no. credit can avail their car finance. There are many first time car buyers who don’t have the credit ratings. Therefore, when they try to avail the car financing, they often end up with the calendar who don’t entertain applications. No. credit ratings even indicate that you do not have poor or bad credit history. But, in both cases, it becomes really hard to get the financing; Through the no credit check car loans, you can get your car financing even if you don’t have credit ratings or poor ratings. Usually, in no credit check car loan, the car which is to be bought offers the collateral or the guarantee against the credit facility. Having the guarantee means so that if you don’t redeem the loan, the lender wants to possess the legal option to sell out the car. This occurs as and when the borrower is not able to redeem the loan. Markson Loother is writer of car loans no credit check.For more information about car loans no credit, no. credit check cars for sale visit

Manfred Funke-Kaiser

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New Director of the newly opened regional offices in Essen on March 15, 2010 an event surprised the industry of mobile presentation systems”as a surprise. Manfred Funke-Kaiser, worked for many years as a sales manager and proxy ingenti, is Director of the newly opened LA CONCEPT regional office food from March 15, 2010. The merger of LA CONCEPT and Manfred Funke-Kaiser means a huge profit for both sides. The special feature of the merger is clearly in the range of CONCEPT LA and the 20 years of market experience of my team and me. “So a WIN/WIN results for all parties situation and of course also for the most important partners of a company, the customer” so Manfred Funke-Kaiser.

Also Bjorn Schaper sees huge benefits in the merger: “I think in particular the philosophy of service is not – there is no”, which at first was part of LA CONCEPT, shows what similar visions at the time had both parties when we were still competing market companions. Therefore, this is “Merger for us a logical consequence that is fundamentally different from other mergers in the industry: here two partners at eye-level connect your philosophies, to make something new and better for the benefits of all our customers.” Manfred Funke-Kaiser can offer its customers the usual service, but a much larger range of products with high quality standards. Advice for the Ruhr’s regional office focuses on mobile presentation systems, large-format printing and exhibition stands, but can at any time be rely on products from the areas of digital communication, advertising and mobile outdoor advertising. For LA CONCEPT, cooperation means a great increase over 20 years of know-how and experience in the industry. With Manfred Funke-Kaiser a significant personality was won from the industry, which has unique knowledge and experience. Manfred Funke-Kaiser on the merger with LA CONCEPT: our common goal, as a market leader is the economic crisis to go forth. We have realized that we must be consistently on the needs of the market and therefore it is absolutely right to install the various departments of advertising under one roof and to fill with absolute professionals.” Also Bjorn Schaper shows representing the two other managing directors Ben Gondek, and Oliver Frostl, welcoming the cooperation: vice versa we are pleased that we could gain a well-known personality with Manfred Funke-Kaiser. This involves not only to Mr Funke-Kaiser, but also his four-man team that also happened to us.

LA CONCEPT gaining Know-How and expertise and together we present ourselves as modern innovative company with absolute expertise in all areas. “” I am very pleased that we not only “an Essen team, but also great people and friends in the LA CONCEPT family welcome!” The previous regional office in Duisburg was Cologne from logistical reasons after moved to be focal point for Tim Upietz and his colleague Thomas Hinz. Tim Upietz will assume the function as a sales representative with Sven Muller and represent LA CONCEPT in the domestic as well as overseas. Most I’m looking forward to the entire team at LA CONCEPT and the possibilities and advantages of this cooperation. I got to know this team as a very nice team and above all as a very competent and service-oriented team. We and our customers can benefit from each individual. My team and I will do reverse everything, to motivated employees by LA CONCEPT of our Know-How to be. We have decided together much and I am looking forward to the future tasks.”says Manfred Funke Emperor about the future at LA CONCEPT more information please see

Terminal Care

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Information, advice and support are the noblest tasks the Saarland Cancer League e.V. countless cancers could be avoided by timely provision, and perhaps just as many deaths could be prevented, would you in a timely manner a comprehensive precaution undergo. Accompanied by a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise, there is much can do to a cancer to avoid or at least delay its onset. Here, the Saarland Cancer League would like to apply and awareness for the regular use of offered screening. The disease have already been diagnosed, various rights entitled to the person concerned, starting with the then attacking hard disabled right on the speedy settlement of pension matters up to the necessary follow-up.

Also at this stage the Club is supportive. During this time, regular exchanges with others can Those affected help to affirm the situation better. For this purpose, the Association offers continuous meetings of interested parties. Also the telephone consultation by cancer patients and their families belong to the regular services of the Association in addition to House – and Krankenbesuchen in patients. Because just a challenge, as she now represents each cancer, requires the informed and experienced advice from outside often, if you even don’t know how it goes on or just want to talk about fears and personal feelings. So also the terminal care is that the tasks of the cancer League.

A task which members regularly to the limits of their personal forces brings but at the same time a task that can be of great importance if a therapy was no longer possible or unsuccessful. The cancer League is this task up to the accompaniment of the dying man in his last hours. So emotionally challenging the work of the Saarland Cancer League regularly is that so much she wants to get acquainted the public with the help of modern technologies and present. The latest website is a successful step. The non-profit association was largely supported by the experienced team of the joomlapur, which developed the concept and took over the technical realization. The appealing and behaving emotionally crafted design was penned by joomlapur, which have sponsored this page not only largely, but have delivered a renewed and moving proof of their skills.

China Taiwan

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President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ma Ying-jeou commented the incident of June 4, 1989 many people ask me why I every year of the incident of June 4 intended for 24 years. “The massacre of June 4 on the Chinese mainland, as well as of February 28, 1947 incident on Taiwan were incidents, where at that time responsible Governments acted improperly against mass protests – and this brought much harm to the people. Both incidents, from February 28 and June 4, remind the then ruling on each side of the Taiwan Strait, is how important self-criticism, but also learn from the past. Hear other arguments on the topic with patrick mayberry. We remember June 4th from the same reasons as of 28 February and that for 60 years. I sincerely hope that similar tragedies are never be repeated to each side of the Taiwan Strait and the universal values of human rights in the Chinese tradition to take root.

In May of this year, the mainland Chinese authorities have issued a white paper, titled Progress in China’s human rights in 2012 “, in order to document the current state of human rights in mainland China. Viewer from the outside have expressed much criticism, but if the mainland Chinese authorities are ready to regularly review the human rights situation and to publicize, which will represent an important step in the right direction. “” Taiwan has just in last April a report on its implementation of the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and political rights “(ICCPR) and the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights” (ICESCR) released. 2009 At the front, we were in this matter, by we passed a law to implement the ICCPR and ICESCR, to sign both treaties and to send it to the UN Secretariat. In addition, all laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) have been evaluated within a set time limit, to ensure that the current law is also compliant with the two treaties.

UNIQUE Personal GmbH

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Successful entrepreneurship: professional personnel services with social responsibility In September 2011 the unique personal GmbH in Offenburg was founded. The entrepreneur and CEO Marion Lahmidi and Alexander Cup it aims accurately bring together professionals and potential employers. With success: Today already around 30 employees are taught in the customer company, and rising. Here, unique clearly committed to social responsibility. In the demanded employee pool, several disabled people as well as older workers have opportunities on a professional perspective.

“Unique stands for a unique range of services, for needs-based and reliable staffing solutions, but above all for an absolutely fair with each other,” Marion Lahmidi explains the philosophy of the company. Therefore, numerous renowned companies put the region on the unique services. If peak order threaten, economic fluctuations and the staff ceiling is intermittently too thin, you will Companies quickly and efficiently supports with qualified specialists and executives. “In the industrial technical or in the commercial sector, and regardless of whether temporary actions or durable solutions is”, Alexander added Cup. At the same time get motivated applicants about this form of temporary work the opportunity to start in the profession. The employees reside in the permanent, secure employment in communications and are used in the customer’s organization. There they can be underwritten with appropriate suitability and requirements.

“The demand is very high for our employees,” confirmed Marion Lahmidi which is constantly looking for new, suitable employees. COMMUNICATION has also focused on recruitment. For companies that want to find employees, however, avoid the time-consuming and cost-intensive selection and hiring processes, acquires unique personnel recruitment and ensures precise filling of vacancies. Professionals, the one new professional challenge search, can contact with their application directly to the communications team. With unique companies can cope with not only their personnel shortages. The recruitment agency develop professional solutions for the HR management of their customers, the adoption of individual tasks to the outsourcing of entire functional areas. The unique initiators, Marion Lahmidi and Alexander Becher, have many years of experience in the human resources service. With its start-up in the heart of Offenburg city centre the entrepreneur put a clear signal: “We are for a different and better self understanding in the area of personnel services.” So, efficiency and cost-effectiveness make though the Central destination for unique solutions. However, this will be achieved in a way that is always serious and marked by mutual fairness. “Even applicants who difficult it on the labour market, such as, for example, elderly or disabled people get a chance with us,” Marion Lahmidi stressed.

IBS AG At Control 2010

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IBS AG presents holistic and sustainable service and solution portfolio in the area of quality, production and traceability management. Restaurant Michael Schwartz contributes greatly to this topic. Hohr-Grenzhausen, April 08, 2010: For more than 25 years we support the quality, production and traceability management by industrial companies successfully. We could place more than 4,000 cross-industry customer installations in this period. Always also the success and satisfaction of our customers is our success today and tomorrow. And therefore is also the focus of this year’s trade fair presence, how can it be different; of course the customer. We our customers, shareholders and otherwise all interested welcome to invite, from 04 to 07 May 2010 in Hall 5, to inform State 5532 about our product innovations as well as our extended services. In addition, we organize this year again special theme days, tailored to the needs of a wide variety of industries.

On May 04, 2010, at 3:30, we organise a so-called Press round. Here our customers and more specialists report on current industry trends and their experiences with the IBS software solutions in practice. IBS trade fair highlights at a glance 1.) IBS theme days: 04.05.2010, theme day IBS software solutions for the automotive and electronics industries. Contact person: Menno Roder (BorgWarner Turbo GmbH), Hermann Austrians (EN ElectronicNetwork Ebersbach GmbH). Ever shorter development and Assembly times and a fast vehicle delivery make highest demands on the automakers. The cost pressure on the automotive industry is also significant, with simultaneous increase in the quality and productivity requirements. The industry-specific software systems IBS automotive solutions help optimize their processes along the entire automotive value chain manufacturers and suppliers. Complex business processes combines goal-oriented to a workflow.

Efficiency and profitability can be enhanced and better meet customer expectations. The Companies in the electronics industry are considered essential pacemaker of technological progress. Their key technologies shape the innovation and growth of almost all economic and industrial sectors.

Michael Talbot

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Knowledge is not just knowledge. There are yet other sources in addition to the logical mind knowledge. All people, an Octopus keeps the world in breath. Is that not interesting? He might not be a key for the people to rethink all previous knowledge and the common beliefs about fortune telling? If there is no manipulation, what forces are at work here? Does this phenomenon not just for the global break? Everywhere the people are experiencing that their previous ideas, as things on Earth “work” and not “work”, more and more are thrown overboard. Occur more and more so-called phenomena in all walks of life energies play crazy, single and mass turbulence occur, many new discoveries are made, things disappear in unexplained ways and dive quite elsewhere back on etc… There is a power that works in addition to all the previously researched energies? What age are we living? Less than 500 years ago, people still believed the Earth was a disc and the Sun turn to the disc.

Sailors were afraid to drive, because somewhere must be an precipice too far on the sea. Meanwhile, the man will soon land on Mars. People are researching in the macro – and micro-level, to capture, how everything hangs together. However, people with a high consciousness and extra-sensory perceptions clearly us time and again that there is still very different levels but this physical reality. Many quantum physicists have already recognized decades ago that consciousness creates matter and the universe is a hologram (see, E.g., Michael Talbot, the holographic universe). How many novels and films these relationships hold us now constantly in mind. And now comes an Octopus, and all over the world is astonished. Utopia? No, Paul is a reality. He shows that it needs no mind, would be to train, to present highest intelligence. A mutation is Paul maybe? Possibly? But it needs it? If even matter has a consciousness and this added energy arises, why not also plants and animals? If each cell becomes only by an energy, which in itself is aware of the cell and this energy on this level of consciousness in the non-physical field with all other cells is connected to create a wonderful organism, admits that not very different perspectives? At this level, but a permanent replacement must be.

Seminar Session

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The seminar series kicks off on March 7, 2012. The seminar will take place from 13: 30 until about 17:00. It is divided into two parts, to the insolvency proceedings at a glance (speaker: Jochen Schatz) and secondly factoring (presenters: Stephan Kleebauer and Michael Hafner). After the seminar additional talks are possible, especially daily practice questions will be answered. Insolvency proceedings make an accurate consideration of the consumer and business insolvency in the overview. It will be pointed out similarities and differences between two insolvency forms from legal, economic, and personal point of view, the focus of the seminar is in the processes of both forms of insolvency.

This involves advantages and disadvantages of different legal situations the correct behavior when a bankruptcy, legal and financial consequences, offences avoidance, and the remaining debts in the bankruptcy. Also shows the entrepreneurs, as despite through active participation of demand management Insolvency of a debtor which at least partly to outstanding liabilities creditors and how a looming or already found place insolvency of a potential or current business partner can be identified. The seminar shows the indexed methods and tools for such scenarios. Factoring is still not the role in small – and medium-sized enterprises, which would actually be appropriate. This financial services acquires a factor”the claims of the company against its customers, receiving a reasonable remuneration arising as a discount to the face value of the claims.

The purchase of receivables is carried out regresslos, which means, the customer (the factorierende company) no longer faces after the assignment (assignment) of receivables non-payment, which always occur for whatever reason. Requires the fulfilment of its contractual performance against its customer, so its own customers. Those defaults, which is in default of payment of the customer, their lack of Liquidity, unjustified accusations of lack of or redress and that make up BBs about 20 per cent of turnover – and more – in most SMEs, must a factorierende company no longer fear the factor as the owner of the demands care of that in the future. He is responsible for accounts receivable and Receivables Management at the same time and thus relieved the factorierende company. Companies that operate in the field of demand management and have the appropriate capital base (such as, for example, the SGV Stuttgart) are very well suited as a factor. Due to their expertise, they are able to minimize defaults, which are often too quickly written off by SMEs. The companies who make use of factoring in claim, in turn benefit from immediate liquidity, which can be invested in the growth of their own.

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