Today the COMIPAC diversifies its production in several cultivos as: acerola, graviola, pineapple, cupuau, caj, sleeve, tamarindo, beyond maracuj and caj that it is the main product of the city. With the support of the Coopservios, cooperative that gives to assistance agricultural and ambient technique for small agriculturists, the COMIPAC comes extending its businesses with the beginning of two projects financed for the World Bank. The production of alevinos inside of the piscicultura and production of chickens in small farms. Beyond the fishery that is being constructed for production of thirty a thousand changes, that it aims at to take care of the necessities of the fruticultura and the reforestation with the production of forest essences. To the being questioned on the vision of the future of the COMIPAC, Mrs. Ctia visualizes an organization strong, manufacturing and commercializing its products with structure and proper mark adding each time more value to its business. I think the cooperative … as a strong organization.
I think about our agriculturists keeping the families here without necessity to go pra another city pra to obtain a better job. I think about the cooperative in an entity with being able of organization, its plant of improvement of the fruits, … Vendendo its products … in the market with a proper mark. That it adds value. … I think great, in terms our products benefited in the shelf.
(Stretch of the Interview) 4,2 conceptual Analyses After the boarding of the description of the COMIPAC, had been carried through the questions related with the concepts: strategy, innovation, differential of market, competitor, suppliers, new substitutes and customers (market niches); inserted in the theories on strategy, that are practised inside of the enterprise management. The first conceptual question to be answered by the manager was ' ' What it is strategy? ' '. The boarding made for the manager indicates the main difficulty that the cooperative faces to if developing, that it is the knowledge lack.