A not motivated collaborator contributes so that all one has equipped if desmotive, what it directly affects the productivity of the company. Research points with respect to important data, employee not motivated uses only 8% of its productive capacity whereas, motivated employees present 60% of productivity. (CLIMATE Organizacional x Motivation? 2009, available one in). It is identified in these data that the Mint if worries about the satisfaction of its trainees and intent for its development, exactly knowing that the presence of the same ones will be temporary and with little aggregation of value for the company. It invests in courses, training and lectures, and makes with that the majority if feels motivated, with this the company obtains well to be seen in the market and thus people are interested in entering this organization. Already we saw that the motivacionais factors are related with recognition and to the professional valuation, together with the auto accomplishment. The collaborator is satisfied and this necessarily implies in the increase of the effectiveness and productivity.

Examples of this: low wages and inadequate physical conditions do not leave to motivate, even so create an atmosphere of insatisfao, what it motivates is the progress/growth, accomplishment, recognition status. If to observe our scene and the factors that really motivate we will perceive that, a public company will be very difficult to keep the motivation of its trainees a time that, does not have growth. Therefore this organization has invested in the professional formation of its young, being worried about its learning, creating a pleasant environment for a personal relationship where the employee has possibility to explain referring things to its function, in intention to add knowledge to the trainee. A valuation of this function in the company exists, counting that the young is a college student whom it needs to get knowledge of its area of study and everything this takes the auto accomplishment, and for consequncia the motivation in working to learn.