To line up the internal voices, the emotions and reasons human beings in a new correspondence, a new social model to be searched. The answers that others had found for the questions that all we make do not serve for each one of us. E, the rituals possess a social function to stand out the models, the standards of social behavior therefore that Walter Benjamim, the apologist of modernity will go to write an important book call ' ' Passagens' ' , in end of century XIX, where it will go to point varied moments of rupture or felt crisis of of the people who lived in the great cities in that turn of century, in relation the social perception of the urban reality that they lived that they were multiple, varied, without models, opened for new and the not necessarily best ones. To the times people do not understand that the souvenirs do not say concerning a distant past, but they say in them of recent events as the event of today of morning, the film of last week, the candy that I ate yesterday. All these events are part of our memories that are revividas in each souvenir, in the interior of us as an event power. Many of us for times we do not obtain to sleep because we are to think concerning the events of the day. What we are making is not disconnect in them of our souvenirs on the facts of the day is remoendo the souvenirs of as we act or as we would like to have acted. E, the souvenir are not the reality of that moment are not the reality in fact, this do not exist, because the said reality is lived and it only exists inside of each one of us.

The reality is only e, therefore, that the souvenir is a power for the events it them reatualiza. What said ' ' crises' ' or ' ' passagens' ' they make is to reatualizar the directions that we attribute to the events, are they past, gift or future. The task of ' ' crise' ' of ' ' passagem' ' it is to provoke a war of interpretation concerning the occurrences in our lives, to make with that ' ' cenas' ' of our souvenirs they enter in contact with other directions derived from other experiences. ' ' crises' ' or ' ' passagem' ' are moments allowed for the disposal of our humanity who interrogates in them concerning what we were until that moment, of what we are now and projects in them for a future of scienters. An opened workmanship in that leaving of common questions it searchs different only answers for each one of us. A personal myth if does not make with mesmices, normatizaes, closings of sensible and possibilities its emotional material is more interrogative, unstable and indeterminate what we would like to believe. Being thus it is more easy of becoming attached in them to already the existing one, the tradition, to always thus, exactly that these do not answer more the questions that we will be able to make in relation to our future or our gift. I finished not going the formation, but it did not say the real reason of my absence. I gave an excuse and as I congratulated it to everybody with the formation.