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Catching up on astrology is simply impossible to ignore phenomena such as eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. However, at present, not only of concern to all astrologers, which is associated with eclipses. The number of people far from astrology, but using all available information about them from year to year increases. The most ardent fans of astrology in general believe that the basic astrological knowledge should be taught in school, but it is a question for future generations. As known solar eclipse can occur only when the new moon, a moon – a full moon, the gap between them – about 14 days.

Every year, eclipses happen on average 4-5 times in a 2-3. six months. Complete astronomical information about eclipses does not fit within one small article, so it makes sense to focus on what influence they have on people. More is open to suggestions. Have long believed that an eclipse entail only the most terrible and negative consequences: war, destruction, hunger, disease and death. Now astrologers agree that it is not so simple, and in each case must be considered still a lot of different factors. In other words, eclipse can not be considered in isolation. One should distinguish between the influence of eclipses on the state as a whole and for each of us in particular.

In addition, taken separately eclipse does not affect all people equally. For some, it is can indeed be fatal, some will bring interesting changes in fate, while the rest will be completely unnoticed. Only after a detailed study of the astrologer natal chart (horoscope) has the ability to determine should be afraid of the eclipse or not. In the case where the eclipse will activate one of the important points of the horoscope, to be ready for something new, not necessarily a bad thing. In all sources, where we are talking about eclipses, Astrologers are given the same advice. Thus, it is desirable to begin any new and important things for 2 weeks before and after the eclipse: look for a job, get married, to sort things out, make big deals, shopping, travel, travel, etc. As they say, do not look for adventures on his head, they will find you! All events during eclipses acquire shade fatality and foregone conclusion. And be vigilant with respect to your health: for those with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases periods of eclipses – are not the easy days. In 2009, we have to go through six eclipses: 26 January – sunny (especially important for people born on 25-27 January) 9 February-moon (reflected in the life born on February 8-10 and 12-14 August), July 7 – Lunar (has great significance for those born 6 – 8 July and 5 -7 January), July 22 – Solar (will cause changes in the lives of newborns 21 – 23 July 18 – 20 January), August 6 – lunar (Feel for yourself the people whose birthdays 5 – 7 August and 1 – 3 February) December 31 – Lunar (important for those who were born 30 – 31 December 1 January 1 – July 3). On my own I would like to add that to date I have never felt the imagine the destructive effect of eclipses. The most amazing thing is that after some eclipses, which were very significant, judging by the map creation, in front of me opened up new prospects, to establish relationships, life acquired a new meaning. Therefore, personally I'm looking at the eclipse with a great deal of optimism and expect them to get rid of the regular routine.


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The young must take care of very well of the bodies, to develop itself and to acquire virility, therefore they must serve the philosophy, also politics and the war. Our philosopher still places the learning of raised sciences more. Being these (former.: astronomy and geometry) contributing for the rise of thinking of the philosopher. A trip stops beyond the sensible things, a trip for the intelligible one. All fact for the understanding of the dialectic, the study most difficult according to Plato. An ascending dialectic and after the descendant. The philosopher tends to understand it very well. As reflection, let us take ' ' Alegoria of the Caverna' ' described in book VII of the Republic.

Following this, we go for steps illustrating a dialectic in form of practical. E, from this reflection, to incline on the solitary return made by the philosopher to the cave. A philosophical conversion, as it would place Bornheim (1929-2002), where has the necessity almost and violent obligation of a return for the reality. This argument made for Scrates/Plato on the resume of the philosopher, the importance of the allied education the power ( union of Homero with Hesodo), is the focus of the work for the formation of the King-philosopher. Let us take this King-philosopher as fruit of this resume. Cut as a statue Greek in ratio and details for the governncia of the State, the good and the happiness. We find in Plato an aristocracy. It would be an aristocracy she-ass? In Plato we do not have this, but a ideal-utopian one, an ideal and not real not-place. Perhaps never real, as the proper Plato proved while still alive.


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Aristotle would have observed that in this reply 03 causes had been only pointed. The material cause, that is the fact of the one of vapor d? water in question to be there exactly in the hour where the cloud it cooled; the formal cause, that is the fact of being inherent to ' ' forma' ' of the water to fall in the soil and the efficient cause, that is the fact of the water vapor to cool. Aristotle would have added that it rains because the plants and animals need water of rain. To this it calls final cause or purpose. It believed that for backwards of everything in the nature he had an intention. 6. Logic the wise one looks to the pain absence and not it pleasure Aristotle the difference between ' ' forma' ' substncia' ' also it was very important when Aristotle described the man in the world.

When we recognize the things, us we command in different groups or categories. For example, we today see a rabbit, another one tomorrow and another one after tomorrow. The rabbits are not accurately equal, but it has some thing that is common to all the rabbits. this thing that is common to all the rabbits and ' ' forma' ' of the rabbit. Everything that is distinctive or individual belongs ' ' substncia' ' of the rabbit. Soon, we go recognizing and commanding the things for the world, we place the rabbits in the fishery, the horses in the stable the plants in varanda and the pigs in the chiqueiro.

The same it occurs in our conscience: we establish the difference between things that are made of rock, things woollen and adobe things. We distinguish alive things from things deceased, and plants of human beings. Aristotle wanted to show that all the things of the nature belong to the groups and sub-groups.


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It starts saying that she is not for the members of the house of representatives to feel itself constrangidos ahead of the comparison of the wage of it, teacher, with the wage of them, members of the house of representatives. them question if they would obtain ' ' to survive and to keep the standard of living, with this salrio' ' (that in the case of it is of 930 Reals). This already would only be one ' ' it covers in cara' ' of all those that arrotam speeches on the importance of the educational process, in our country. The teacher goes beyond. She says that ' ' who only is in classroom can speak with property on this. It are this, any consideration that is made is for masking a truth that is visible for everybody: the fact of that in no government, no moment, our city, in our state or of our country, the education was one prioridade' '. The veracity of its affirmation can be proven aspects among others, for the low paid wages to the professors, for the low levels of aprendisagem of the pupils, baixssimos for them resulted gotten for our country in ranques world-wide. Therefore and it teacher is not covered of reason.

Mayors, governors and presidents, passing for the councilmen, members of the house of representatives and senators, only have with priority education as something in its eleitoreiros speeches. It are issso is alone talks line. Is inapropriada colloquy, as it affirmed the teacher, therefore only says with property who is of the side of inside: who only is in classroom! Therefore the teacher considers as one absusdo? therefore in fact she is this same? the fact of the authorities to be banalizando the pertaining to school process. E, what it is worse, they want that the professors save the country, save the education, save the children and young and are not alone the authorities.


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The Theology until then considered the soul spiritual as being separate of the sensitive soul and the vegetative one. Toms defended the thesis of that the soul of the man is joins, and mainly, it is only responsible for all its acts, the man is the only owner of its proper choices, and possesss a natural illumination, that consists of ' ' natural light of razo' ' , light this that was given in them of an only time for God. In Toms de Aquino, its workmanship is observed in all the presence of ' ' quaestio disputatas' ' , mainly, its concern in presenting the thought adversary ' ' ipis litteris' ' , without no alteration in the direction, without devagaes, it is seen exposition of a thought such which it is. Toms is always locating its thought in opposition to the dominant doctrines of the time, and how much the workmanship ' ' Of Magistro' ' , this could not be different, has since this workmanship not backwards only philosophical conceptions on the Philosophy of the Education, but brings new ideas what mainly he was defended until then. Ahead of this, it is of extreme importance the use of ' ' quaestio disputatas' ' , not so that ' ' aluno' ' if it tires, but so that this really it understands what it is wanted to say. The main idea proposal for Toms is that the man possesss one ' ' alma' ' that she is the representative of the beginning of the life, therefore is part of the substantial composition of the livings creature, that is, is the powers that the soul possesss that they make with that the man can or not play definitive function, whose requirements are inherent to its soul. It is through it that one plays the functions, with peculiar characteristics closely related to the college of the vegetative life.

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This sales of the one image ‘ ‘ world perfeito’ ‘ it can be seen as one of the forms that the media confers sensible in the modern disenchanted world of Weber. Devoid of other values that they supply sensible and they guide its lives, thousands of people if become attached to the values of consumption as the way for the happiness and it welfare. It stops these people, the happiness standard starts to be conditional to ‘ ‘ ter’ ‘. ‘ ‘ An advertising not vende products nor ideas, but a model counterfeited and hipntico of the happiness. This idle and pleasant ambincia is not nothing more than what the pleasure of living norms according to idealized of the rich consumers (…) the advertising offers to our desires a universe to subliminar that insinuates that youth, the health, the virility, as well as the feminilidade, depends on what we buy. ‘ ‘ (TOSCANI, 1996, p.27 and p.28) It is possible to notice that the advertising looks for to vender, in diverse ways, proper ‘ ‘ felicidade’ ‘. Either in the propaganda of the cream that the woman makes to rejuvenescer 10 years in one week, in the one of the car that most makes the pretty man to be succeeded and or in the one of the apartment that brings harmony for all the family who in it lives.

E, in a devoid world of directions, times of ‘ ‘ economic crisis and espiritual’ ‘ (TOSCANI, 1996, p.28) the search for the product happiness becomes it reason of living of many people. these people, already devoid of direction, of affection and values finishes arriving at the conclusion of that never they will arrive to live of the form that the advertising nails. The effect of this is devastador: to each day that pass increase the depression cases, bulimia anorexy/and syndrome of the panic. We can say that the media advertising executive is today also responsible for a problem that arrives to affect the public health, what it points with respect to the dimension of its social function and its ‘ ‘ poder’ ‘.