Month: April 2014

The Day

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Everything was a mistake, Yes, but also thanks to the mind of that worker not complied with solve your little problem of singing. The serendipity works like this. But make no mistake, we cannot leave everything to the random, chance. The eventful part of all this lies in stimuli. They are those who are bombing us continuously throughout the day. Depends on the case that we will have more or less success in our company. The first thing for the serendipity visit us is having a goal.

That is, that gives equal. If we have a goal we have a network to hunt stimuli. People with many interests, such as artists or inventors, have several networks that help them to capture many of those stimuli. Why it is not uncommon to hear them say things as it looks that funny, will this be me for a project with which I’m now involved or this topic to tell me, that I could do such and which. I.e.

take you much more things out than others. All thanks to these mental networks that have been formed. They say that he who seeks finds. It is true. But with the serendipity we will not know that it is exactly what you will find. Surely something much better than we were looking for. The second step is to fill us head of stimuli in order to then use them to our benefit. Let’s see why. Thousands of stimuli we riddled throughout the day and they are being picked up by your different directions for further analysis, classification and finally rejection or approval of the aforesaid. If the stimulus does not have interest in those moments, it will be relegated to the subconscious perhaps forever. If on the contrary it is something that touches us fiber will be something that we will experience in a conscious way.

Jose Gonzalez Lander

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And I ask myself and why it must be so? Why wouldn’t there be another person in that company of Jose Gonzalez Lander witness take and printed a sense of nobility to his? action? What blow delivered so hard you to the morale of the workers of the Caracas Metro the Trojan horse that turned out to be the current President, that to be given in gift by the enemies of institutionality, left the fortified city enter the hordes that opened the doors to the despair and fear of the loss of employment and family security. That so low blow demoralized people because it was someone from the inside, the confidence of the House. But now is when we must be hope. That is precisely what they want, there is so much demoralization to allow them to act in a sea of hopelessness which makes it very easy to his performance. Because I I refuse to think that those people who print a new will that company with a high sense of hope, honesty and efficiency there are.

I think that there are many among you. I decided to fight and work for this reason even when not me halle at the company because I learned to love the Metro de Caracas with you and because I know that any effort that Venezuelans should do to rescue that company is mandatory; because while it is true that go me I wasn’t in my plans return, my family and I are users of the service and our safety in transport it is in the hands of you and what less all hope is that it is preserved and improved, because it partly belongs to me as Venezuelan. And because the desire to rescue a company that is worth met them, repeat them I told them my people of TQM in the end-of-year message: I said that if I made publicly in favor of an honorable company is because I know of some that there are people like you that worth making that the values that saw there and have been mine respects of lifetime. You knew me win the feeling and what I can where help is so they have a decent place to work, rest assured that will count with me. I think I have found a good way of doing this through the Familiametro B.C., regardless of my current or future occupation. I can work and give my assistance in favour of the institutional rescue of the Caracas Metro as a citizen aware, without needing to be employee of the Metro.

Well say it’s when passing the great tragedies is that it is better known to people. I invite you to read the statutes of the Familametro Civil Association and also invite you to work with us in this institutional rescue. There is nothing there that is not what we all wish for that company. I invite you to fight for it; to make a small trench by a more dignified Venezuela, that encarne of truth values of the founders who made you develop are in a company like that because they had the greatness of build it without waiting for anything in return. Who removes if by that of discovering the right people in the great tragedies find that new Jose Gonzalez Lander for the 21st century which both makes him missing to the country and the C.A. Metro de Caracas. Luis Manuel Aguana Caracas, 18 March 2003 original author and source of the article

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