Month: August 2013

Types Need

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4. It is homeostatic. This is like what called cause and effect that can have an action that causes us to do something and there is an effect that makes us that we contrarrestemos the provocative action. It is the process of maintaining internal physiological balance 6. Motivational cycle: The momentum of human needs is always present, and to be repetitive has a motivational cycle. Davidoff (1979) in his book describes the stages of the cycle of motivation as follows: 1.

stimulus: is what makes that we have a need that satisfy. 2. Need: it is what we want to satisfy and causes us to be in a State of excitement or impatience. 3 State of tension: is what causes us to act with a behavior or reaction to the need. 4 Behavior: when activated by the tension it reacts to satisfy the need.

5. Satisfaction: having air-drying process the need to establishing a State (homeostasis) liability where it is then is waiting for a new stimulus. 6 After the satisfaction people within an environment of work or completion of a task can become a sense of self-realization: that is the full result rarely times reaches directed impulse internally of the human being to grow, improve and maximize their potential Lahey (1999, p. 428) before the development of motivation as science, the traditional model, was said to how to motivate people who worked through a complex wage system, to higher production, greater utility, the main interest was then economic, developing a human species, Homo Economicus. In my point of view economic obtaining is the result of a mechanical action, more motivation is an emotional factor is committed where the minimal intellect. 7 Types of motivation when people are involved in competitive situations, fires a psychological need to succeed, this is the case of the realitys, where despite being a game, presents also a challenge; or group dynamics that involve a game, we tend to want to always win others, why the saying play for participating is not applicable to real life that human instinct has made us the feeling of wanting to be the best in all and more demonstrating our capabilities.

Charles Chaplin

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M. Jean de La Bruyere (1645-1696) If genius is a greatness, goodness is an excellence; the most worthy man is one who cares more about the general good, seeking to correct the ills and reduce the suffering of the unhappy, with the force of his spirit. NET Coelho (1864-1934) remember, also, a perfectly applicable to what Edmund Burke (1729-1797) aphorism modestly I tell them: that evil expires, it is enough that good men are idly. Naturally that, with those words, Burke is fighting the evil of cowardice. Fits well here another thought of the great philosopher Confucio, because we defend the peace, not impunity: pay kindness with kindness, but evil with justice. On the proper applicability of this teaching of the Chinese Sage, scientist and mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) warns us the necessary symmetry between the force and straightness: justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical. Therefore, it is necessary queesten in harmony the justice and strength, to make it just what is strong and strong what is right.

The weakness of man and the Providence of God () before it, nothing better than hearing the message of the verses 12 and 16 of the Psalm 90 of the prayer of Moses, man of God: 12 teach us to count well our days, so our minds reach wisdom. 16 Get that thy servants and their descendants can see your works and your glory. Our destination by timely, approached a significant page attributed to Charles Chaplin (1889-1977) kindly forwarded by my beautiful cousin Ana Paula Bomfim Kistmann, who resides in the United States. Chaplin, one of the greatest geniuses of cinema, shows that the human being must keep in his mind and in his heart the purpose of walking forward, even before the bad weather of life. Today I woke up thinking about what I have to do before the clock strikes midnight.

Mrs Think

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Today the COMIPAC diversifies its production in several cultivos as: acerola, graviola, pineapple, cupuau, caj, sleeve, tamarindo, beyond maracuj and caj that it is the main product of the city. With the support of the Coopservios, cooperative that gives to assistance agricultural and ambient technique for small agriculturists, the COMIPAC comes extending its businesses with the beginning of two projects financed for the World Bank. The production of alevinos inside of the piscicultura and production of chickens in small farms. Beyond the fishery that is being constructed for production of thirty a thousand changes, that it aims at to take care of the necessities of the fruticultura and the reforestation with the production of forest essences. To the being questioned on the vision of the future of the COMIPAC, Mrs. Ctia visualizes an organization strong, manufacturing and commercializing its products with structure and proper mark adding each time more value to its business. I think the cooperative … as a strong organization.

I think about our agriculturists keeping the families here without necessity to go pra another city pra to obtain a better job. I think about the cooperative in an entity with being able of organization, its plant of improvement of the fruits, … Vendendo its products … in the market with a proper mark. That it adds value. … I think great, in terms our products benefited in the shelf.

(Stretch of the Interview) 4,2 conceptual Analyses After the boarding of the description of the COMIPAC, had been carried through the questions related with the concepts: strategy, innovation, differential of market, competitor, suppliers, new substitutes and customers (market niches); inserted in the theories on strategy, that are practised inside of the enterprise management. The first conceptual question to be answered by the manager was ' ' What it is strategy? ' '. The boarding made for the manager indicates the main difficulty that the cooperative faces to if developing, that it is the knowledge lack.