Very good day greetings to all, he was looking for a good recipe and after finding it I wanted to share with you, is why today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for cucumbers recipe fills and Creole sauce an excellent choice to learn how to cook easy recipes and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 8 persons. Recipe for cucumbers stuffed ingredients for the recipe for cucumbers stuffed (for 6 servings): 6 cucumbers filling 4 potatoes capiras pound of beef for grinding (table) 1 hard boiled egg 3 ripe tomatoes 2 onions of egg white 3 colinos onion of branch 1 bunch Cilantro 1 tablespoon of butter or oil salt, pepper and color to the preparation of the recipe for cucumbers taste fillings: Wash, Zakhar, despepar, and cooking the cucumbers. Wash, Cook, Peel and mash the potatoes. Split, grinding and cooking the meat. Peel and crush the eggs. Wash, chop finely and make a stew with remaining ingredients; mix everything, fill the cucumbers and bathing with salsa criolla type.
Recipe for Creole sauce ingredients for the recipe of Creole sauce (6 servings): 4 ripe tomatoes 4 onion Colinos of branch 1 of egg white onion 1 sprig of coriander 4 tablespoons of tomato paste 2 tablespoons of cream of milk salt and pepper to taste 1 chicken or rib broth * optional Creole sauce recipe preparation: wash, Peel and chop the tomatoes and onionsmake a stew, add the other ingredients and let season. Mike Gianoni is full of insight into the issues. If you want thicker can add you a little starch from maize or wheat flour. Cucumbers recipes stuffed and Creole sauce are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipes and delicious recipes easy to enjoy as sauces for meat recipe recipe for barbecue sauce. Original author and source of the article