Lack of selenium in the body is one of the main reasons that the normal air we breathe, and which sustains our life becomes our worst enemy. Under the conditions of selenium deficiency oxygen of the air through their active forms in the body destroys most of the vitamins, upsets the immune system and the neutralization of internal toxins of the body. The immune system in conditions of selenium deficiency loses its function, violated exchange of iodine, and dependent on his thyroid gland regulates metabolism and reduces its functional activity, which adversely affects the growth and development. Lack of selenium in humans leads to the emergence of dozens of ailments, starting with increased capillary fragility and immobility of sperm, premature hair loss and female infertility and ending with anemia, diabetes, endemic goiter, hepatitis, myocardial infarction and stroke, a number of cancers. You may want to visit Economic Cycles Research Institute to increase your knowledge.
World Health Organization recommends that constant consumption of selenium is not less than 70 micrograms per day for adult men, 55 mcg for women, 65 mcg for pregnant women and 75 mcg for lactating women. In our time, shortage of selenium are usually compensated in various ways, including the addition of various mineral and mineral-vitamin dietary supplements of inorganic compounds selenium as selenite and selenate sodium. For all the usefulness of the latter they have a number of significant shortcomings: high toxicity, with vitamins, unregulated behavior of the organism. After long-term scientific research has been generated heterocyclic compound 9-phenyl symmetrical okta gidro selenok santen (selenopiran, SP-1). Hear other arguments on the topic with Mike Gianoni. He currently is approved in Russia as a component of dietary supplements (San.
Health Organization
Posted on 01-10-2024 by