Month: April 2024

To Be Happy

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In this full world of atribulaes, commitments, problems, we need to stop to replenish the power plant that puts into motion in them and the ones of the courage to continue. Thus, we will have the certainty of that this never will dry or ' ' gotejar' ' , therefore we depend on this source to follow the walked one of the life with joy, hope and determination. To speak of power plant means to speak of the person, of its feelings and motivations. It is to speak of the passed, present and future time; it is to speak of as we use the time and of as we become the life less complex when valuing simplicity in the daily one; it is to understand that the happiness is not an arrival station, but one to be happy every day, therefore ' ' a happy life is made of days felizes' '. We lose time searching the happiness, being incoherent and incapable of placing in them in the place of the other.

We do not obtain to change our point of view. Inflexible, we do not perceive our the different limits and skills of if seeing the world and the life. achieve this success. You may find that MDC Partners’ KBS can contribute to your knowledge. We prevent the cost all to feel pain, in protecting and hardening to each instant not to suffer and we suffer! We suffer very! We do not understand that ' ' the oyster that was not wounded does not produce prola' '. No matter how hard we try, we do not obtain to transform our wounds into pearls, we only find good for being victims, leading in the shoulders the life as a cross that we consider excessively heavy, and excessively cruel insuportvel excessively. The learning of the life can be for the way of the LOVE or PAIN. The first one, nor all obtain, those only privileged ones that they descomplicam the life and they value the simple ones. The majority learns for pain, because we do not understand that ' ' it is necessary rain to be able florir' ' , that the value of the time is not in ' ' how much the things duram' ' , but ' ' in the intensity of as vivemos' '. We do not understand that, in the way them storms of the life, many times we will not be able to change the direction of the winds, but to only adjust the candles.

Many times we transform into winds and storms what it could be an event in our life. To take care of itself is part of being happy daily. Therefore, it reserves time for you, therefore we need to be well now; we need affection, communication, love and col. We need feeling loved in them and loving for in them not becoming bitter people. We need to make difference in the life of the other. Therefore, rescue its happy moments! It sings, it dances and it leaves of being enslaved of the label. It finds a loving one, that is, something or somebody TO LOVE of truth, that makes you to get passionate itself of new for the life, therefore, as in Charlie Chaplin says to them, ' ' the life is very for being insignificante' '. Luciane Mari Deschamps

General Code

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It is harder to specialize in areas of law that are not coded, as in Peruvian law- the customs law, financial law, and administration, among others. However, some branches of Peruvian law are not codified but its rules can be found in almost every regulatory body such as corporate law, and bankruptcy, among others. In addition there are areas of Peruvian law in Spanish and Argentine law, although they are encoded, at least partially as the registry law is too complex to specialize in them. Specalist NY Lawyers may specialize in different specialties, but we note that there are as many lawyers encoded in non-coding branches. That is, there are fewer lawyers dedicated to the study of branches of law which is not codified.

This distinction can only exist in legal systems belonging to the Roman-Germanic legal family. For example, the same difference can not exist in legal systems belonging to the common law legal family, for in this Code there is no legal family. Sources for drafting or amending a code to write or modifying a code is necessary to take into account national legislation, the legislation of other States, the doctrine, jurisprudence, custom, general principles of law and social reality. The oldest is the Code of Hammurabi, which was a General Code, promulgated by the King of Babylon in the year 2,000 BC.

This entry was posted in General.

Severance Payments

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A note from specialist lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin-Mitte: employers and works councils in the context of a social plan may provide for a maximum amount for the compensation? In one of the Federal Labour Court (1 AZR 566/08 judgment of the 21.7.2009,) determined case an employee had sued the employers to pay higher severance of the social plan. The background was that according to the criteria of social a much higher compensation would have been to the workers. In the plan amount applicable for all workers, and so on was agreed but regardless of age, length of service. The Federal Labour Court has deemed a such maximum limit allowed. Of the maximum limit the older are naturally more and more employees affected.

This in turn would anyway retiring in the foreseeable work. Because the cash benefits in the context of a social should mitigate above all the economic consequences of job loss, unless appropriate to assume that they are to receiving retirement pension, be limited for older workers through the timely opportunity. Therefore, also the compensation amount is generally limited. Note, however, that the Federal Labour Court expressly left open, whether the case against the background of the first later enacted in general equal treatment Act would be different. The chances of success of an action should be therefore in any case check workers, where the social plan indemnity on the basis of a maximum provision in the plan was reduced. A post by lawyer Alexander Bredereck, Berlin lawyer specializing in labour law E-mail:

Quality Management

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Privacy is important part of your quality management system of data protection, the case for many small and medium-sized enterprises. Many business owners do not know that they often already violate the Privacy Act. Companies / offices with more than 9 persons (including temporary and part-time employees), the personal data collect, process or use, must have appointed a privacy officer. This is governed by the section 4f of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). If you miss the proper ordering of data protection supervisor for your company or taking data protection lightly, you can be prosecuted to 300.000,-EUR with a fine of 50.000,-.

Observe the new regulations to avoid fines! For companies with no or less employees access the Federal Privacy Act. Only no specialized data protection officer must be ordered, but in this case, the data protection Chief thing is. Yet can a review by the Supervisory authority in violation against the Federal Privacy Act fines up to 300,000 ( 44 BDSG) are imposed. 4. undertaking in Germany is contrary to the data protection act. Still underestimate its importance many companies/offices (employers) and risk hence the confidence of their customers and partners. Enterprise data protection is not only a legal pad, but also a marketing argument that you should necessarily use for your company. Privacy is corporate and customer protection, it positively enhances their corporate image.

Directory of procedures for everyone, internal process directories, accountability to stakeholders, commitment to data confidentiality, access control, access control, access control, transmission control, are just a few points that are enshrined in the BDSG. Important, an internal data protection officer must demonstrate his expertise (education) and has an additional protection from dismissal for this activity. Special Protection against dismissal, termination of employment is possible only for important reasons, deemed supervisor continued up to a year after dismissal. As well, regular annual training must be proved. These costs shall be borne by the employer. The Commissioner is instruction-free to ensure his work, and the Executive Board directly to subject ( 4f para BDSG). Quality management and data protection both as a combination package from a single source to your advantage if you order an external supervisor: this solution saves you time and costs, because you must select any suitable employees and send them on expensive training courses. Fixed-term contract with an external DSB, instead of a special protection against dismissal during an internal DPO. An external consultant for QM (quality management) and DS (data protection) can cost-effectively perform all internal audits. Prevention of risks (E.g. damages, fines by violations against the Federal Data Protection Act). Karin Letter CEO of 5medical management GmbH, certified quality management & supervisor.

Sustainable Building Block

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Obeid produces Suchmaschinencontent and optimized the targeting to be found in the world wide web you must be on the result lists of search engines in the upper pane. The rating in the search engines is influenced by publishing optimized lookup information on a large number of sites and portals effectively. The search engine marketing through online PR is an efficient and consistent measure. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Economic Cycles Research Institute. A proven means to achieve a good visibility and placement with new brands, spin offs, or projects without big time. Utilizing a wide range of subject and audience-based articles offers a proactive participation of the own company presentation and the expansion of the target groups. In addition press portals pass their news on the Internet at their own press Distributor and set messages are recorded search engines and multipliers, mentioned by other portals, and published. With arguments, not only content, but also a real topicality and a reciprocal link on your own website, article form Reputation value. Another advantage is the archiving of articles and the right usability related.

Actually, but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) give away still this possibility to optimise its RADIUS in terms of the target group and thus to increase their competitiveness. F. Alexander Kep, head of media sales of Obeid KG from Frankfurt/Main, to the topic of search engine marketing and optimization of the range: especially durable and sustainable effects for the branding and profiling on the Web can use viral press marketing to generate. Obeid offers real, cost-effective added value through the manual setting of suchmaschinenenoptimierten texts on press portals on the Internet. With subject and target group relevant keywords can be targeted press releases. Because only who will be found on the Internet is present”. To ensure a comprehensive and effective PR dialogue with customers and prospects, Obeid offers in its portfolio of service all viral PR resources and further Services for the modern SMM. Further information about the search engine marketing (SEM) and viral public relations by Obeid is available at the Internet address OMEGO_PR.pdf press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: XING: profile/FAlexander_Kep2

Karl Unterkircher Award

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Exceptional mountaineers are for the first time on the 9th and July 10, 2010, in Selva Val Gardena (South Tyrol) awarded born from the desire to continue to maintain the name of Karl Unterkircher, in the Alpine area and to honor, the award to alpinists who have provided a special and outstanding performance in mountaineering or during the expeditions in the Alpine style in the year 2009 is targeted. In future, the prize will be awarded each year. The prize was presented on 26 May, 2010 during a press conference. After words of introduction by Silke Unterkircher and Herbert Mussner (Karl Unterkircher award group) were (the jury or the nominated climbers announced by Ellis Kasslatter Direktiorin Tourism Association Selva and Stefan Stuflesser (climbing Guild of Catores). The jury consists of: the experienced Mountaineer and world champion in ice climbing INES PAPPERT, HANS KAMMERLANDER, one of the most famous alpinists of South Tyrol, he shared with Karl the adventure mountain, ROLANDO LARCHER, longtime friend of Charles, Mountaineer and climber from the Trentino and the journalist VOLKER LEUCHSNER (climbing magazine) and Carlo cassia (Rivista ALP). The benefits of nominees will be presented at a public event on two evenings (9 and July 10, 2010), these were of Adam Holzknecht, Stefan Stuflesser by the climbing Guild of Catores and Val Gardena nominated Reinhard Senoner and Ivo Rabanser by the Mountain Guides Association: Denis Urubko and Simone Moro (Kazakhstan and Italy) for the first winter ascent of Makalu (8463 m) from 7 to 9 February 2009. Simon Anthamatten, Samuel Anthamatten and Michael Lerjen (Switzerland) for the opening of a new direct route in Alpine style on the South-East wall of the Jasemba (7350 m) from 27 to 29 October 2009 (1500 m, M5 and 90 ); Marko Prezelj, ROK Blagus and Luka ABC (Slovenia) for three new ascents: Bhagirathi IV (6194 m) west wall and North ridge on September 15, 2009 (1000 m, D +), Bhagirathi III (6454 m) South West wall on the 21st and September 22, 2009 (1300 m, 6B, M5 and WI5, ED), Bhagirathi II (6412 m) South South West wall of 29.09.

until 1 October 2009 (1300 m, 6 b +, M8 and WI6 +, ED +/ ABO -); Robert Jasper and Roger Schaeli (Germany and Switzerland) for the first free ascent of the Japanese Direttissima on the Eiger North face from August 28 to 31, 2009 (8a). Ueli Steck (Switzerland) for his extraordinary which Alpine services: the Schmid route on Matterhorn north face in 1 h and 56′ on the 13th, the Golden Gate route (8a) on El Capitan in may, the ascent of the GII on the 9.Juli (8035 m), as well as of the Makalu (8463) September 24. The winner will receive a plaque and a cash prize of 3,000 euros. The other nominees get a consolation prize of 1000 euro each. Registration and return as well as lessons – and catering costs are borne by the tourist office Selva Gardena the founding Committee for the Prize consists of Silke Unterkircher, widow of Karl Unterkircher, his brother Peter Unterkircher, and his coordinator Herbert Mussner. Under the auspices of Dr. Mussner Florian, the National Council for Ladin school and culture, took over. More friendly supporters of the event: municipality of Selva,. Montagna.TV (Bergamo) media partner, Bolzano fair, group Santini Bolzano, mammoth Felipe (St.Ulrich), Avirex (Milan), postcard (Milan), Karrell (Salurn) available now you can order the tickets for the “Karl Unterkircher Award” on shop.

German National Association

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In December of last year, the newspaper La Voz de Galicia published the following: the water consumption in Spain exceeds the resources available in Spanish river basins. A few resources that are also reduced because of climate change and global warming. So much that an average of 5% has been reduced in the last two decades of the Spanish River. Notes it as well the Observatory of sustainability in Spain (OSE) in its report of the water in 2008. To mitigate this loss advocates an active policy and a new culture of water that advocates reducing consumption and by the comprehensive maintenance of ecosystems. The water consumption of a European citizen assumes an average of 125 litres a day. This amount considers only the water used for body hygiene, food and drink. According to new studies of the German National Association of protection of the Bundes Naturschutz landscape and Adena, the aforementioned amount is a pure illusion, since nobody accounted for example, water that has been used in a normal breakfast, that is they may have come to invest 365 litres of water, i.e., as many as days has a year: 90 liters in the cheese sandwich, 135 in an egg and 140 in a cup for you.

The worst example is the meat: to produce 1 Kg of meat. need 10,000 liters of water, 10 times more to 1 kg. of cereals. This happens in a world in which 864 million people do not have access to drinking water and 2,600 million suffer from lack of sanitary facilities. Each, without waiting for the solution to come from the politicians, can help reduce the high consumption of water, for example reducing meat consumption, or perhaps resigning completely to it. Original author and source of the article.

Mayor of London

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The Mayor of London Boris Johnson, announced a week full of entertainment and fun, in advance of the wedding. On 23 April, London celebrates the patron saint of England, who, so it wants the legend quite bravely gave the dragon slayer, to rescue a Princess. The London Evening Standard chatted quite a bit from the sewing box and announced that there will be a large celebration to the value of 100,000 to commemorate the Patron Saint in Trafalgar Square. If you come on the weekend of 23 April in the city, you can experience a free concert with the stars of the West there ends and young musicians. Some 15,000 visitors are expected for the show. Fellow singer and dance partner will be sure to find in abundance.According to the newspaper, Boris Johnson wants to put the city in a festive mood. Between the St. George of day and the Royal Wedding a bulging filled entertainment, will be so.He is one of Nelson’s column and the many fountains surrounded by dolphins and mermaids Trafalgar Square alone for themselves to the unique sights of London.

The statues of King George IV, major-general are also where Sir Henry Havelock and General Sir Charles James Napier. Other works of art to rest also the fourth base. If you the square to the St. George’s day visit, are you the ship of Admiral Nelson in a bottle, a work of Yinka Shonibare, can admire. Originally, this base was cast in 1841 for an equestrian statue.

Because money but then became the scarce, the work was never completed.Then, in 1998 but three works were given to fill the gap. They found a great deal of attention. Since 2005, the base is equipped with works that are selected by the fourth plinth commissioning group.If you are on St. George’s day for a walk along the River Thames decide are there endless small beach huts and find rides and also many culinary options to discover can. Best you settle there for a relaxed lunch, before you embark on the way to other tourist attractions in London. On 23 April, yet another world-famous Englishman enters the spotlight. It is the birthday of William Shakespeare. To commemorate the great master of literature, his most famous pieces in the Globe Theatre can be seen. With it, Romeo and Juliet, which is twelfth night, Hamlet and a Sommernachtstraum.Das House are a replica of the free air theatre was built in the year 1599, even many of his pieces was the master. In the period from April to October you can buy tickets for a variety of pieces in the theatre.After an exciting week with all sorts of celebrations in Trafalgar Square on the occasion of the St. George’s day would be a pleasant evening in the theater but the perfect end to a holiday in London. In this season you can among other things are on much ado about nothing, Anne Boleyn, the Bible and the God of Soho.Wenn you for a holiday in London decide, should keep in mind that the list of Entertainment and attractions for a weekend is far too long. Best keep you informed once the variety of offerings of the individual hotels. There’s something guaranteed to suit all budgets. And then just spend a whole week in the capital. You can be also present at the Royal Wedding on April 29. Now, the day public holiday was declared. The may day is followed by then on Monday, where you can visit the most popular London landmarks quietly.


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One of the great advances in the field of dissemination of knowledge, is the emergence of blogs. Thanks to blogs, many people can tip their knowledge, experiences, materials, graphics, and in the end, everything that you want to share. This has been possible thanks to the ease with which offer systems for publishing blogs, which have a simple and intuitive interface that requires practically no knowledge of web design. Due to the appearance of advertising on web sites, also it has become possible to the blogers could obtain an economic benefit by this activity. Blogs have multiplied in recent years, causing a real information revolution. There is practically no topic on which there are no published some blogs, although, as you might imagine, those issues that grouped the taste of the majority are the most numerous.

Due to this large amount of blogs that exist, it is clear that not everyone can be successful. To not create a failure, it is necessary to take into account a series of guidelines that all good blogger should know and follow in detail. Tips for having a successful blog a blog is a website, so the same rules which are valid for classic web sites, it also are to blogs. We can say that a good blog must meet the following conditions: must be visually attractive.You must have quality web content.Your reading should be enjoyable and fun.You must provide access to content, for example with a good web navigation.Its update should be periodic and permanent. Web design blog all have entered once somewhere that it is not nice, whose web design appears as careless. This first impression that visitors receive is very important. Visitors are taken very little time to determine if what they see is what they want or like.

Therefore, in addition to following the rest of the guidelines, we must care for the presentation of the blog. Dow is open to suggestions. Thanks to the implementation of web templates that can be found all over the web and in many cases are free, it is possible to achieve adequate general presentation of the blog. With respect to the application of templates, must be careful with that design is consistent with the type of content being published. Obviously a blog aimed at sports comments can not be presented in the same way as one devoted to fashion. But the visual aspect of the blog depends also on how the posts are published. In addition to ease of reading, the division of web texts into paragraphs of moderate extensions, also contributes with the visual presentation. Another important aspect is how the images and videos; are located all this must be done taking into account the principles of web design. In the next installment we will see background how should keep a blog with updated content.

This entry was posted in General.

Year Ranking: Fire Lots Of Fashion

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1552 readers of styleranking Fashionblogs voted for their favorite store. Chevron Corp.: the source for more info. The winner is a streetwear Web shop lots of fire. Dusseldorf, 04.01.2010. Since March 2009, the Fashioncommunity looking for the best online shop for fashion well every month. A total seven stores a certificate and a place in the Hall of Fame of the best online stores at styleranking enjoyed. Jonah Bloom brings even more insight to the discussion.

See the monthly winner, managed the Internet stores 7trends (March and June), alleyoop, La Purpura de la Rosa, the children’s online boutique Butterzart, lots of fire (August and September), catwalk Avenue and fashion code. What is special about the styleranking choice: All online shops were nominated by users through comments in the blog. Thus it made both famous online shopping deals on the winner’s podium as a real insider tips. As the winner of the December vote, and thus the best online shop for fashion 2009, could fire lots in the large Jahresvoting successfully against the competition-shops and so the title. Criteria for the user in the regular collection the key questions: What shop does really what he promises? Where there are trendy streetwear at reasonable prices in the net? Where can I find mouse click stylish bags, cool clothes, fashion accessories and grace? The ranking at a glance: ranking: the most popular online shops of 2009 1 (37.0%, 571 votes) 2 (28.0%, 439 votes) 3 (14.0%, 221 votes) 4 (11.0%, 164 votes) 5 (10.0%, 156 votes) 6 (4.0%, 57 votes) 7 (1.0%, 19 votes) total participants: 1,552 it up to 3 votes (could be cast per vote) other relevant links: Your fashion community news about the hottest outfits of best shops in styleranking by Friederike Bullbeck, styleranking media GmbH

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